Feathertop winter hike

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Feathertop winter hike

Postby butter-nuts » Sat 27 Jul, 2019 7:58 pm

Hi All, hoping for a little advice.

I have 3 days / 2 nights available next weekend, and am very keen for some hiking involving snowshoeing.

To preface this, while I have done a decent amount of hiking/camping I have never done any in the snow and so this would be a first time. I enjoy putting in pretty big days and really wanna maximize my 3 days. So with all that in mind I was wondering on what people think of doing the Mount Feathertop, Bon Accord and Bungalow Spurs circuit. Do you guys feel this is doable? Or am I being too ambitious (reckless)? If this is not a good idea, what would you recommend instead?

FYI - I will be going with 2 friends, both experienced in the outdoors but like me no real snow experience. We will be taking a PLB (as I always do).
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Re: Feathertop winter hike

Postby Xplora » Sun 28 Jul, 2019 6:57 am

The weather is looking good for next weekend at this stage so that is a bonus. Yes, it is very possible to do that circuit in 3 days, probably could do it in two if you are fit but snowshoeing does take more out of you. Much of the walk will be below the snow line. The trick will getting to a good spot for camp each night. Your plan is to go up Bungalow? That is the quickest way up and if you have an early start then you can camp at Federation hut and do Feathertop on the same day. Expect lots of people there. An early start the next day and you can get over the Razorback and down Bon Accord. Bon Accord is long and not many flat places to pitch. You may find somewhere near the old hut sit to pitch and if there is snow about you can make a level spot. Better going down it than up but if you camp on it then expect a long night in the tent. Once the sun has gone down it will get cold quickly. You will lose the sun behind the mountains around 4:30pm (maybe 5) this time of year. Very little water on the top once out of the snow and melting snow for water is not efficient but may be necessary.

Re gear.
A PLB will not be necessary as you will have mobile phone coverage. Not saying don't take it but your first response to emergency will be the phone. You are not really remote and can get to Hotham of the Great Alpine Road if things go bad and you need to pull out.
Snow conditions seem more like spring and so does the weather. Expect a freeze/thaw cycle and some icy sections in the morning. Snowshoes should have a crampon type toe. MSR I find are good. You may need boot crampons or microspikes. This would again make the Feathertop ascent better in the afternoon as the snow will have thawed. There can be a bit of a cornice on the ascent so be aware and stay away.
Don't overload your pack. Winter packs are usually heavier but combine a heavy pack with snow and you can get tired pretty quick. You will eat more in the cold so have lots of nibble stuff. Think about clothes that have a dual purpose and think layers. A gortex raincoat is also a windstopper. Warmth for weight clothes. I always take my down vest. Dry socks for camp are good if your boots are not waterproof. I am actually all packed ready to go and total weight is 15kg with wine and skins for the skis. Best I have ever done for winter. Don't know what you are sleeping in and on but it should be snow suitable. A closed cell foam mat will boost a summer sleeping mattress enough. You have to stop the cold getting up to your body and your sleeping bag is pretty much useless on the bits you are laying on. You can sleep in clothes but I prefer less so I have a better sleeping bag and a good mattress. A four season tent would be helpful but not essential for this weekend. It should be good in wind but I can't see any snow or really bad weather for this weekend. Still a long way off and because I live there I keep a good eye on it. Will let you know if there are concerns.

That is a start and others will have more to add I am sure. Hope you can do it as it is a great place to learn some snow skills. Don't expect a great deal of snow. Feathers will have some but it is a bit thin on the ground lower.
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Re: Feathertop winter hike

Postby north-north-west » Sun 28 Jul, 2019 9:22 am

I went up Bon Accord, camped on the knob at the top of Diamantina Spur, then via Molly Hill's to Feathertop, Federation via Little Feathertop, and back down Bungalow Spur. Two days, fairly easy going. But I spent the night at the base of the BA track, so it was an early start. It's a long slog up and I'm not sure of the status of the water crossing, but doable if you're fit enough.
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Re: Feathertop winter hike

Postby butter-nuts » Sun 28 Jul, 2019 7:10 pm

Thanks so much for the responses guys, they are really appreciated!

With respect to the route, I was planning on following these track notes (https://www.trailhiking.com.au/mount-fe ... low-spurs/) which seem to be pretty much the same route Xplora was describing. I am Open to changes/suggestions from those with more experience than me.

I will need to buy some snowshoes, I was thinking of these ones (http://www.bogong.com.au/gear/ski/snows ... avy-1.html). What crampons/spikes would you recommend (if required).

So this is my gear list: https://lighterpack.com/r/old80n. I think my upper body layering is good (fleece/puffy/rain shell) but not sure about legs. I normally hike in shorts, what would you recommend for snow. Will shorts with tightes cut it or do I need (waterproof?) pants? If there are any glaring omissions in my list I would love your thoughts!

Thanks again guys, can’t wait to get out there!
Atherosperma moschatum
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Re: Feathertop winter hike

Postby north-north-west » Sun 28 Jul, 2019 7:21 pm

Good snowshoes. Wish I could afford to replace my Ascents with those. The red ones, of course.
They should have enough grip, so probably no need to worry about crampons but microspikes could be useful if there's ice rather than snow on parts of the track. Kahtoola, Edelrid, Grivel are the big brand names. Bogong carry the first two.
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Re: Feathertop winter hike

Postby Xplora » Mon 29 Jul, 2019 5:41 am

north-north-west wrote:Good snowshoes. Wish I could afford to replace my Ascents with those. The red ones, of course.
They should have enough grip, so probably no need to worry about crampons but microspikes could be useful if there's ice rather than snow on parts of the track. Kahtoola, Edelrid, Grivel are the big brand names. Bogong carry the first two.

+1 to the above. Buying your own snowshoes is something you will not regret. You can hire but they last a long time and you WILL do more once you have started. You can add a tail to the EVO to give you a bit more float in fresh deep snow. Probably not needed this trip. I have just started replacing the straps on mine after more than 15 years. You may get away with shorts and thermals but you will need a long pant option. Zip offs are good. I get too hot walking in thermals so long pants are fine. Some people wear gaters but I don't unless it is off track. The will give an extra protection from snow but I find the snow gets down the top anyway and melts into my boots.

Are you taking snow pegs or just the standard for you tent? You may need both. Not sure if you have enough food for the cold but you won't die because of it. I did notice you have no grog on the list. WHAT. Tia Maria snow cones are a must. Don't use yellow snow. Fleece gloves are not recommended. I only ever did it once going up Stanley Named Spur. Once wet they are useless. Thin inner gloves and some waterproof/insulated outers.

Have fun. Weather still looking good. Expect a report back.
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Re: Feathertop winter hike

Postby butter-nuts » Mon 29 Jul, 2019 3:06 pm

Thanks for the advice guys. Am about to putt the trigger on some snow shoes, but noticed the Evo Accents (seem to be the same as the Evo trail but add heal lifts and cost a decent amount more). How important are heel lifts? Worth and extra $140?

I do have snow pegs so hopefully they are OK (only ever used in sandy soil to date) and my food is juts a guess (that's per day). Tia Maria snow cones sound great, and will no doubt make me extremely popular!
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Re: Feathertop winter hike

Postby Aardvark » Mon 29 Jul, 2019 3:56 pm

butter-nuts wrote: How important are heel lifts? Worth and extra $140?

If you're going uphill, even the slightest incline, you will see the advantage of heel lifts immediately.
I wouldn't be without them.
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Re: Feathertop winter hike

Postby butter-nuts » Mon 29 Jul, 2019 5:16 pm

Aardvark wrote:
butter-nuts wrote: How important are heel lifts? Worth and extra $140?

If you're going uphill, even the slightest incline, you will see the advantage of heel lifts immediately.
I wouldn't be without them.

Thanks mate, just bought the Evo ascent with lifts. It hurt a little at the cashier, but I figure no point cheaping out on something I'll use for the next 10+ years. Buy nice or buy twice right?
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Re: Feathertop winter hike

Postby brettchesneylfc » Tue 30 Jul, 2019 11:40 am

Hi hoping to hear how your trip goes as i am looking at doing the same around 21-22 August.

looking to find as much info on current conditions, recent photo's of the Fed hut campsite area and snow levels on the trail?

Good luck and stay safe
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Re: Feathertop winter hike

Postby Xplora » Thu 01 Aug, 2019 5:58 am

brettchesneylfc wrote:Hi hoping to hear how your trip goes as i am looking at doing the same around 21-22 August.

looking to find as much info on current conditions, recent photo's of the Fed hut campsite area and snow levels on the trail?

Good luck and stay safe

Everything is changing on a weekly basis this year. I would not expect the conditions this weekend will be anything close to those two weeks later. The expectation is currently high for some good snow in 10 days or less and it may fall low down. These guys could be pitching on grass this weekend.
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Re: Feathertop winter hike

Postby butter-nuts » Mon 05 Aug, 2019 11:10 am

Hey Guys,

Just want to say thanks do everyone for their advice, and give a quick trip report for those interested.

We headed up Friday morning (2-Aug-2019), was around 1PM when we arrived at the Bungalow Spur trailhead. Hiking up to Federation Hut was a decent slog with a winter packs and snow shoes on our backs, but quite enjoyable. Heavy frost started to appear around 1400m and by 1500m we were walking in snow. Probably got to the hut up there between 3.30~4.00. Weather was about as good as we could hope for, perfectly clear. After arriving at the hut I set up my tent, then headed into the hut for some relaxation (there were a couple of other people up there, which lead to a fun night).

Next day we set off to summit Feathertop (we left our packs on the trail at the intersection between the summit and the razorback) at around 9AM, From the summit we had perfect clarity and could see for miles, truly breathtaking! After making our way down from the summit we continued across the razorback, which was also spectacular. I feel like everyone needs to do this hike in winter at least once. About half way across the razerback we had some heavy clouds roll in resulting in an almost complete white out (at times it was difficult to tell where the ground ended and sky begun). This resulted in some very cautions hiking. We eventually pushed through the clouds (and snow line) and set up camp at the site of the old Bon Accord hut (which was quite a nice little camp site, complete with a pick-nick table cut from logs and a nice fire place).

Day 3 was a shortish hike (10km) down hill back to our start point, it was quite steep at times but lots of lovely views.

All in all it was an Amazing hike, I will be doing it again for sure!
Federation Hut
Views from the Razorback
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Re: Feathertop winter hike

Postby neilmny » Mon 05 Aug, 2019 11:50 am

Nice report and pictures butter-nuts thanks for posting.
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Re: Feathertop winter hike

Postby Aardvark » Mon 05 Aug, 2019 3:12 pm

Looks like a great time out.
I did a similar thing in 2005 June. Snow was lower and more of it i would say.
There were no views for us for the length of the Razorback. Even the snowshoes punched in as much as a foot or two for alot of the way.
We arrived at the road at the Hotham end and luckily hitched back down to Harrietville. It really wasn't the plan.
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Re: Feathertop winter hike

Postby Xplora » Mon 05 Aug, 2019 4:55 pm

I am pleased all went well with your plan. A good intro to the mountains and snow. Just as well it was last weekend and not this one coming. Thanks for the report and look forward to more.
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Re: Feathertop winter hike

Postby bigkev » Mon 05 Aug, 2019 6:01 pm

Thanks for the report and photos. It's a beautiful place if the weather cooperates and it looks like you had some great weather. 8)

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Re: Feathertop winter hike

Postby brettchesneylfc » Mon 19 Aug, 2019 5:54 pm

Thanks for the trip report and pics. I'm hoping for as much luck on the weather side as you seemed to have for my hike starting on Wednesday 21st.
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Re: Feathertop winter hike

Postby paidal_chalne_vala » Mon 14 Oct, 2019 9:16 pm

Nice photos and good weather. Well done.
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Re: Feathertop winter hike

Postby fixa » Sun 20 Oct, 2019 11:50 am

I'm going to do feathertop via razorback as an overnight hike next week, camp at fed hut. Can anyone tell me about water up there?
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Re: Feathertop winter hike

Postby Xplora » Mon 21 Oct, 2019 4:44 am

The tank at the hut should be full after winter and we have had some good rain. There is also a spring not too far down Bungalow Spur. It is off the track but there should be a sign. Another spring on the Tom Keenan track below Feathertop on the way to MUMC hut.
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Re: Feathertop winter hike

Postby neilmny » Mon 21 Oct, 2019 8:43 am

That would be Tom Kneen track.
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Re: Feathertop winter hike

Postby Bush_walker » Mon 21 Oct, 2019 10:04 am

Hi All,
I am planning this walk in January/February 2020 and will be driving from Sydney.
Any suggestion for comping spot or could stay in hut and water collection point etc.
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Re: Feathertop winter hike

Postby Xplora » Tue 22 Oct, 2019 3:46 am

neilmny wrote:That would be Tom Kneen track.

That would be right Neil. I was thinking of a ranger friend in the area when I wrote. Thanks for the correction.
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Re: Feathertop winter hike

Postby fixa » Sun 03 Nov, 2019 6:08 pm

Did this hike on Thurs/Friday. Water level at Fed hut tank is not high. Also the tap is a bit dodgy, if you turn it on too much you get no flow. With the warm weather lately i suggest taking extra water. Had a great hike in via razorback, was a bit tougher than i expected mainly due to the warm weather. Fed hut was deserted when i got there, 2 guys showed up later. The stars were magnificent!
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