Clancy’s Walking Track

20 min to 45 min

1.5 km

↑ 37 m
↓ -37 m

Easy track
Clancy’s Walking Track starts from the car park near Anthill Street, Watson exploring the red gum grassy woodlands of Mount Majura Nature Reserve and loops back. This simple circuit walk can be your quick little escape after a busy day at work, or a weekend stroll with your dog. After a short drive(if you’re in Canberra), you’ll find yourself listening to the sounds of nature as you go deeper into the forest. Kangaroos and parrots are known to be in the area, so be prepared to hold on to your dog’s leash. No bicycles allowed. Let us begin by acknowledging the Traditional Custodians of the land on which we travel today, and pay our respects to their Elders past and present.
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