Sunshine Coast Hinterland Great Walk

4 days to 5 days

53.1 km

↑ 2237 m
↓ -2052 m

Hard track
Starting from the car park off Narrows Road, North Maleny, this walk takes you through Kondalilla and Mapleton National Parks via the Sunshine Coast Hinterland Great Walk track, visiting multiple waterfalls, rock pools and lookouts along the way. The highlights of this 59 kilometre long track include Gheerulla Falls, Baxter Falls and Thilba Thalba viewpoint. You’ll be hiking through the dense rainforest, then all of a sudden you’re met by a completely different type of vegetation as you turn a corner. Keep an eye out for bellbirds and kookaburras, especially whilst walking along the Gheerulla Creek. The walk is officially divided into 4 sections, and all of the designated campsites on those sections have toilet facilities. A moderate level of fitness and bushwalking experience is recommended. Keep an eye out for snakes as well as goannas. Remember to check the forecast for rain as the area is susceptible to flash floods. Let us begin by acknowledging the Traditional Custodians of the land on which we travel today, and pay our respects to their Elders past and present.
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GPX | PDF Baroon Dam to Flaxton
GPX | PDF Flaxton to Ubajee
GPX | PDF Ubajee to Thilba Thalba
GPX | PDF Thilba Thalba to Mapleton Cemetery

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