Girraween Snow

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Girraween Snow

Postby cams » Thu 03 Sep, 2015 3:51 pm

I thought I'd share a few images from my trips through winter.

I spent two weekends chasing snow at Girraween and further south when the antarctic super-low's were coming through. You may have seen some of these in this months comp. It was a pretty exciting couple of weeks.

The first weekend I camped on Mt Norman hoping to give myself the best shot of seeing snow. Got a little bit falling and settling on the ground in the early morning (before light). I haven't seen any other photos of snow on this side of the border from this weekend. I did see a lot more over the next couple of days in NSW near Ben Lomond and Mt Mackenzie near Tenterfield.

Morning Snow on Mt Norman by Cameron Semple, on Flickr

Mt Norman Campsite by Cameron Semple, on Flickr

Focus stack of icy snow remains on Mt Norman peak
Frozen Moss by Cameron Semple, on Flickr

The next weekend was when the big one hit Stanthorpe and surrounds. Unfortunately I couldn't get there for the peak of it, but after I bailed on work as soon as I could I got there late afternoon. In time to see quite a bit still on the ground.

Chilly Rosella by Cameron Semple, on Flickr

Would have loved to have seen the Pyramids with snow like they had in the morning. This was the best I got. Looking across the fields near the road. You can see what the coverage was like from the lay of the grass.

Snowy Remains by Cameron Semple, on Flickr

Along the Mt Castle track:



The best view I could muster at sunset after running out along the track trying to get to a view point.

Snowday 2015 Sunset by Cameron Semple, on Flickr
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Phyllocladus aspleniifolius
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Re: Girraween Snow

Postby beean » Sun 06 Sep, 2015 7:27 am

Good stuff Cam!
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Re: Girraween Snow

Postby ofuros » Tue 08 Sep, 2015 6:35 pm

Nice shots, work roster didn't allow me to be out &
about during that once in a 10-15year super low.
Glad I'm not the only one who's on the lookout for interesting incoming
bad weather systems. :wink:
Mountain views are good for my soul...& getting to them is good for my waistline !
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Re: Girraween Snow

Postby cams » Wed 09 Sep, 2015 9:30 am

Ta guys. It was a fun couple of weeks.
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Phyllocladus aspleniifolius
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