Feathertop Snow Cornices

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Feathertop Snow Cornices

Postby walkon » Mon 11 Aug, 2014 9:12 pm

A few snaps of Snow ice cornices at Mt Feathertop a few weeks back. Was a bit concerning when you saw decent size cracks in between the cornice and yesterdays foot prints :shock:
Mt Feathertop cornice
surfs up Mt Feathertop cornice
ice beach sand Mt Feathertop cornice
Mt Feathertop cornice
Mt Feathertop cornice
Last edited by walkon on Mon 11 Aug, 2014 9:25 pm, edited 1 time in total.
Cheers Walkon

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Re: Feathertop Snow Cornices

Postby walkon » Mon 11 Aug, 2014 9:16 pm

last one, till I can find the good cameras sd card.
Mt Feathertop cornice
Cheers Walkon

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Re: Feathertop Snow Cornices

Postby icefest » Mon 11 Aug, 2014 9:20 pm

Thanks for uploading! I'm still hoping to get a clear winter day, eventually.
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Re: Feathertop Snow Cornices

Postby Tortoise » Mon 11 Aug, 2014 9:22 pm

Awesome! +1 Thanks for posting, walkon.
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Re: Feathertop Snow Cornices

Postby walkon » Mon 11 Aug, 2014 9:33 pm

First day on that weekend was clear, though windy and cold. The slopes froze up in between going up and coming down, crampons and ice axe were really good and reassuring. The next was gin clear and no wind so we sat down and soaked it all in. You could see Kozi and as far to Buller accross Mt Reynard. Just going through these has put a smile on my face a mile wide even though I cant find the good cameras sd card.
Cheers Walkon

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Re: Feathertop Snow Cornices

Postby andrewa » Mon 11 Aug, 2014 10:18 pm


Reminds of an MUMC Mountaineering trip I did in the 80's. We dug a snow cave in under the cornice of FT. Digging became easy because there was a huge cleft in the snow 8-10' under the cornice. The entrance to the snow cave was so steep that we had to use an ice axe to allow ourselves to get out, without sliding down one of the east faces of FT. ...

Fun times. We survived, but in hindsight, probably only by good luck.

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Re: Feathertop Snow Cornices

Postby walkon » Tue 12 Aug, 2014 7:57 am

Weekend before last, two skiers skied off the edge of the cornice down Avalanche gully. I wonder if they still have the kahoonas to do that in a few years
Cheers Walkon

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Re: Feathertop Snow Cornices

Postby GBW » Tue 12 Aug, 2014 10:53 am

Great photos walkon.
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Re: Feathertop Snow Cornices

Postby jdeks » Tue 12 Aug, 2014 12:17 pm

walkon wrote:Weekend before last, two skiers skied off the edge of the cornice down Avalanche gully. I wonder if they still have the kahoonas to do that in a few years

I was up there on Saturday. Those ski tracks off the cornice are still there....





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Re: Feathertop Snow Cornices

Postby walkon » Tue 12 Aug, 2014 12:34 pm

Good pics, its amazing how much snow has melted from when I was there. Were the slopes icy at all when you were going up feathertop
Cheers Walkon

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Re: Feathertop Snow Cornices

Postby jdeks » Tue 12 Aug, 2014 4:39 pm

walkon wrote:Good pics, its amazing how much snow has melted from when I was there. Were the slopes icy at all when you were going up feathertop

Yes, very icy. There's been a few warm days followed by cold ones. Still a lot of snow cover but a lot of had packed icy stuff too. I was in Tubbs shoes and actually unclipped the main plate to use them as psuedo as toe-crampons. Fine for going up, but coming down was quite scary and had to cut steps for a few meters. Partner with crampons was having no troubles. Definitely would not go up without an ice axe at least.
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