Mt Maroon hike

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Mt Maroon hike

Postby Al and Bruce Paton » Sun 13 Nov, 2011 4:28 pm

Two weeks ago we embarked on what we thought would be a short overnight trip with the intentions of taking photos from the summit of Mt Maroon, particularly of neighbouring Mt Barney. The hike didn't quite go to plan, with a smoke haze from a round of controlled burn fires obscuring much of the view at sunset. We almost didn't make it to sunrise after an impromptu lightning storm appeared at 1am, forcing us to hastily remove the tent, and ourselves, from high on the mountain. In terms of the walk, my notes are that it is basically straight up for three hours and then straight down for three, with little relief from the climb/descent along the way. Also the track can be easily lost at the top of the ridge and between the main gully and the summit. It was a lot harder than we expected but the temptation to go back and see the view properly is very much alive!
Free plug - see more pics from our trip to the scenic rim at our website:
Up, up, up the ridge
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Getting close to the top
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Summit view. That's Mt Barney through the haze
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Plan B campsite
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So much for sunrise. Pretty awesome though
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Foow our hiking & photography adventures on Facebook -!/pages/Wildsight/176627612352438
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Al and Bruce Paton
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Re: Mt Maroon hike

Postby Mickeymoo » Sun 11 Dec, 2011 8:17 pm

Nice work, love the last photo with the misty peak. Sounds like it was an interesting trip, plan b campsite looks cosy!!
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