Bushwalking pictures.

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Ben Lomond, stacks bluff photos wanted

Mon 21 Aug, 2017 6:35 pm

I have been contributing to the Wikipedia entries for Ben Lomond (Tas) and Stacks Bluff. What is missing are photos of the mountain that show the scale of the range.
If anyone has some long distance photos of stacks Bluff and the Ben lomond range, perhaps from the midlands, I would love to use them and They would be attributed appropriately.
Please pm me and if you're interested.

Re: Ben Lomond, stacks bluff photos wanted

Tue 22 Aug, 2017 11:02 pm

I quite like the angle of Stacks from Sphinx Bluff. If this is of use I can get you something high res and more nicely processed than this...

Re: Ben Lomond, stacks bluff photos wanted

Wed 23 Aug, 2017 10:48 am

Perfect SBS.

I have one photo of the summit of SB already but it really doesn't illustrate the topography well. i am not sure what resolution it needs to be but the existing photo on wikipedia was taken on my phone.

If you are happy to you can PM me a googledrive or dropbox link to a high resolution photo and I will load it to wikipedia. Doing so makes the image
'creative commons' so anyone can use it for any purpose (not sure about commercial purposes) - so long as you are happy and consent to that.

if you want attribution I'll include your name so it will be on the wikipedia image metadata for posterity - I won't be putting my name on the photo, my name will only appear in the edit data on wikipedia and I will also attribute the photo in that data as well if you want me to.
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