The Arches National Park

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The Arches National Park

Postby iandsmith » Thu 18 Aug, 2011 10:57 pm

Thanks for the feedback on the other stuff I put up. I've gotten all enthused again.
Here's some stuff from another park I visited in the States and, as others have suggested, they do it so much better than us. Yes, I know they have a greater population and fabulous locations but I have to say I enjoyed sealed roads in national parks for a change!
These are from the Arches National Park near a place called Moab, self labelled the "Mountain BIke Captital of the World".
If you think there are a few arches there, think again; officially there are over 2,000. The official way of classifying an arch, as distinct from a hole, is if it's over 3 feet.
In 1991, a rock slab 60 feet long, 11 feet wide and four feet thick fell from the underside of Landscape Arch. Aren't you glad you weren't looking up from underneath at the time?
CHeers all
North Window panorama.jpg
North Window panorama
North Window panorama.jpg (71.74 KiB) Viewed 3891 times
Park Avenue panorama 1.jpg
Park Avenue panorama
Moab panorama.jpg
Cove of Arches panorama
Turret Arch panorama.jpg
Turret Arch panorama
USA - Arches National Park (12).jpg
Courthouse Towers
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Re: The Arches National Park

Postby Drifting » Thu 18 Aug, 2011 11:07 pm

Amazing place, eh? I love all that Red Rock country.
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Re: The Arches National Park

Postby mjdalessa » Fri 19 Aug, 2011 7:46 am

Nice photos, brings back memories! Are you going to Havasupai falls? I regret I didnt go there, it looks so amazing! My favourite place was this canyon full of indian ruins built into the cliffs, but thew name escapes me. No, its not Mesa Verde
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Re: The Arches National Park

Postby Stibb » Sat 20 Aug, 2011 10:33 am

Yeah, keep it up Ian. I really enjoy watching pictures from all over. Makes my list getting longer :wink: This place looks fantastic!
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Re: The Arches National Park

Postby nickthetasmaniac » Sat 20 Aug, 2011 10:03 pm

Terrific shots! I love Number 2 especially - makes me want to be a climber :)

Ahh man, you're shots make me want to do the long-awaited North America trip!
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