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Winterbrook Falls

Wed 30 May, 2007 8:39 pm

These are for taswaterfalls if you don't already have these two falls. Steve took then on a recent day out.

Winterbrook Fall from fall lookout

Winterbrook Fall

Fall near Wilmot Power Station into Cethana Dam


Fri 15 Jun, 2007 5:35 pm

Hey cheers,
havent made it up to winterbrook yet...its pretty high on list though...and the set at cethana are called the Narawa Creek Falls. Got some photos of them myself somewhere. There is a heap of falls in that area. If you check the 25k maps there is a walking track that goes around the hills above the power station towards covers about 4 sets of falls...never done the walk but its always on my list of todo's.

Fri 15 Jun, 2007 11:18 pm

Yeah, we've been into winterbrook recently (about three weeks ago). Quite a bit of water in the area then, track was a little wet in places. Falls were flowing well though. Some shots:



L8r all.
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