A place to chat about gear and the philosphy of ultralight. Ultralight bushwalking or backpacking focuses on carrying the lightest and simplest kit. There is still a good focus on safety and skill.
Forum rules
Ultralight Bushwalking/backpacking is about more than just gear lists. Ultralight walkers carefully consider gear based on the environment they are entering, the weather forecast, their own skill, other people in the group. Gear and systems are tested and tweaked.
If you are new to this area then welcome - Please remember that although the same ultralight philosophy can be used in all environments that the specific gear and skill required will vary greatly. It is very dangerous to assume that you can just copy someone else's gear list, but you are encouraged to ask questions, learn and start reducing the pack weight and enjoying the freedom that comes.
Common words
Base pack backpacking the mass of the backpack and the gear inside - not including consumables such as food, water and fuel
light backpacking base weight less than 9.1kg
ultralight backpacking base weight less than 4.5kg
super-ultralight backpacking base weight less than 2.3kg
extreme-ultralight backpacking base weight less than 1.4kg
by Neo » Mon 18 Jul, 2022 8:44 pm
Local tobacconist selling a small Bic lighter with a piezo click instead of the traditional rolling flint.
It looks about fifty percent larger than a mini Bic but possibly holds the same amount of gas as the original mini. Extra plastic in the body and the piezo action appear to make up the slightly larger size.
I am unimpressed with the electric start, works second time. Also ran out of gas much sooner I am sure!
Last edited by
Neo on Tue 19 Jul, 2022 6:00 pm, edited 1 time in total.
- Athrotaxis selaginoides

- Posts: 1868
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- Location: Port Macquarie NSW
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by Warin » Mon 18 Jul, 2022 9:20 pm
Did the piezo continue to function after the gas ran out?
The peizo itself may start a gas canister stove... cut off the gas part for 'light weight'...

- Athrotaxis selaginoides

- Posts: 1455
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- Region: New South Wales
by Neo » Mon 18 Jul, 2022 10:06 pm
Yes it still clicked.
I took off the silver shroud and inspected the mehanisim.
Kinda relies on the surrounding plastic frame to work. It would be possible to salvage your own piezo from one.
- Athrotaxis selaginoides

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- Location: Port Macquarie NSW
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by MeanderingFlyFisher » Tue 19 Jul, 2022 5:12 pm
The piezo mini bics are much more water proof than the standard version.Just get on youtube for comparisons and I totally agree.
- Athrotaxis cupressoides

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