by north-north-west » Mon 21 Mar, 2022 6:57 am
There is nothing more individual than footwear. Different sizes, different shapes - heel width, ball width, toes, instep, arch, achilles ... the best boot/shoe is what fits you and suits the type of walking you do.
Good advice on how to get a good fit so far. Later in the day when your feet have swollen, same socks you wear walking (and make sure your socks are a good fit, because too loose or too tight there will also cause problems), fit to the bigger foot, move around a lot and try while carrying a load if possible.
Leather/fabric, shoe/boot, waterproof/non-waterproof is about the sort of walking you do and, again, what works for you. Leather will last longer on rough off-track walking, but it's heavier. Boots can give more support in some areas but, again, they're heavier. Waterproofing has a limited life and does mean longer drying times once wet, but if you're out on a dewy morning or in the rain or hauling through mud it's so much more pleasant to not get soggy feet straight away.
"Mit der Dummheit kämpfen Götter selbst vergebens."