Ms_Mudd wrote:Blimey. Or should that be Cowabunga?
I pulled the trigger on a blemished Protrail Li.
I have had dealings with Henry before when I purchased an original TT Moment singlewall, without knowing me, he sent me the additional tie outs to be sewn to the long panels as they were not on the original. I have faith that his warranty on a blemished tent will be honoured so feel confident in its purchase.
Plus the exchange rate wasn't too shabby, plus I had some money that came to me that did not really exist in the first place, plus I like the idea of sleeping under a tarp in appropriate seasons but am terrified of leeches, funnel webs and even mozzies eating me alive, the Protrail is as close as I will come to sleeping under a tarp for me. Plus I had looked at XMid fly only with a bugnet bivvy, but even the lightest I could find from Borah didn't really save me enough weight to be seriously bothered with. Enough pluses to justify my extravagant purchase?!
Lamont wrote:Ms_Mudd wrote:
Good on you Muddy! You accidental (I don't quite believe it tho') ultralighter you!
Ms_Mudd wrote:Do you find you can mostly just shake the moisture off in the mornings before take down, or do you need to do more of a dedicated wipe?
Ms_Mudd wrote:I don't think I would want consecutive days of rain with it, as I am used to having a bit more space to sit up and faff around in the Xmid, but for an overnighter or mostly dry weathered multi day trip it should do nicely.
Zapruda wrote:
@ms_mudd, Those droplets look like the ones that form on my bag on those rare occasions when the nights go from warm to cold in a short amount of time. They don't fall from the roof of the tent. Was there moisture anywhere on the tent floor?
Dexter wrote:Ms_Mudd wrote:I don't think I would want consecutive days of rain with it, as I am used to having a bit more space to sit up and faff around in the Xmid, but for an overnighter or mostly dry weathered multi day trip it should do nicely.
This was part of the reason I went for a Stratospire Li. I wouldn't call myself an ultralight kinda guy. Maybe 'somewhatlight'. So I was happier to take the weight penalty to have the extra space / large vestibules. I was using a bivy style one person tent before which you couldn't think about sitting up, and had no vestibules which I find super valuable for wet weather. But perhaps I'm just too much of a sookI have sometimes wondered if I should have gone the single walled lighter Protrail. Who knows, I might end up with both. Strat perhaps for longer adventures, and the Protrail for overnighters.
Ms_Mudd wrote:I reckon a Protrail would do nicely for you to compliment your Stratospire. I am quite the enabler.
I have an Xmid 1p which I am really a fan of and I think if the forecast is looking dicey for days on end or snowy, then I will go ahead and pack the XMid. Anything else I think will see the Protrail going in the pack as first choice- it really is a huge weight savings and a very unclaustrophobic tent to be in. My XMid kinda fills the same place in my gear as your Strat does, I know I can count on it and sprawl out if stuck inside it for long afternoons/evenings.
Franco wrote:If you have 4 tents you might have one per season but what about the "in-between" season periods ?
Franco wrote:If you have 4 tents you might have one per season but what about the "in-between" season periods ?
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