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Hiking gear insurance

Mon 05 Jun, 2023 8:02 am

Hi all, I tried to do a search but didn't find anything initially.
Got me thinking when leaving my gear at a base camp and exploring for the day, what if someone buggers off with my gear? Is there any insurance in thise case (which I imagine would be difficult as you normally can't leave items unattended)?
Apologies if it has been raised (probably) but I couldn't find a thread.

Re: Hiking gear insurance

Mon 05 Jun, 2023 8:37 am

I've a feeling the insurance may not be worth the cost. Through our house insurance, we are able to get "extra" things insured like expensive kayaks or bikes, but the insurance won't cover them if I leave them unattended and not secured in some way.

I have heard of this happening, ie. people pinching gear, but not in Australia, and most commonly in huts in very popular areas. If I am leaving my tent/gear for a day, I try and pitch the tent away from trails, etc. where it would take some searching to find, and I don't leave anything really easy to snaffle inside.

Re: Hiking gear insurance

Mon 05 Jun, 2023 9:08 am

Mine's covered under portable items with my regular home and contents insurance. I've only had the one claim (camera was lost/stolen) but that wasn't an issue despite being in the middle of nowhere.

In theory such items should be covered in any situation while outside of your primary residence, but it would pay to ask your insurer first - there's probably no need to get specific 'hiking gear insurance'. Generally anything worth more than $1,000 needs to be listed specifically under portable items, along with certain other items eg. GPS devices, satellite phones.

Re: Hiking gear insurance

Mon 05 Jun, 2023 12:32 pm

Thanks guys, was thinking along the same lines. Thought I'd ask.

Re: Hiking gear insurance

Mon 05 Jun, 2023 2:54 pm

I attempted to get insurance for a trip and the insurer said that cover would only be given for a commercial trip. This is not helpful. Portable item cover with the home contents policy seems to be the best option.

On one trip a crazy person said that we could not camp in a clearing on crown land. He said that he was there first and it was his campsite. As we were doing day trips we packed up and left. When camping near public roads I always camp as far from the road as possible.
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