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PostPosted: Wed 14 Oct, 2009 8:54 pm
by lyndoor
Okay...I have to come out of the closet. For sometime now I've wondered what were the things that excite me on a walk & I've come to the conclusion that, aside from the gorgeous scenery & remoteness, it's the discovery of...huts!! :shock:

I'm a Hut-bagger!!! :lol:

Yes, I know, a bit sad, but it really gives me a buzz to see that a place has a bit of intriguing history about it. Who knew we had so many? Who built them, who restored them, what was there purpose, etc?

I stumbled on to Lake Ball Hut recently but there have been so many more...

Lady Lake Hut, Ironstone, Whiteley's, Dixon's Kingdom, Reg Wadley's & that other one in Lee's Paddocks, the emergency shelter huts on the OLT, Haberle's, Junction, Trapper's, etc...

Were they all trapper huts? Are there any in the south? Are there any Tassie Hut designated sites to quench my new burning ambition to rediscover these old gems? :?

Just curious.....


Re: Hut-bagger!

PostPosted: Wed 14 Oct, 2009 9:26 pm
by spider
I'm with you!

The other thing I have come to notice is how each hut has it's own 'feel'. Some huts feel better than others. Some feel comfortable, some feel homely, some feel bad, some you can feel the history, some feel lonely.

Their smells are intriguing also. The smell of burnt coal is something I will always associate with certain huts.

Re: Hut-bagger!

PostPosted: Wed 14 Oct, 2009 9:33 pm
by north-north-west
spider wrote: The smell of burnt coal socks is something I will always associate with certain huts.


Re: Hut-bagger!

PostPosted: Thu 15 Oct, 2009 6:58 am
by tas-man
lyndoor wrote:Okay...I have to come out of the closet. For sometime now I've wondered what were the things that excite me on a walk & I've come to the conclusion that, aside from the gorgeous scenery & remoteness, it's the discovery of...huts!! :shock:

I'm a Hut-bagger!!! :lol:

Yes, I know, a bit sad, but it really gives me a buzz to see that a place has a bit of intriguing history about it. Who knew we had so many? Who built them, who restored them, what was there purpose, etc?

Here's a site for you to drool over then :D

Re: Hut-bagger!

PostPosted: Thu 15 Oct, 2009 9:57 am
by Ent
Content removed by poster

Re: Hut-bagger!

PostPosted: Thu 15 Oct, 2009 9:14 pm
by adventurescape
The hut at Lake Meston is my favourite, so far. I think it was built by the same fella that built the hut at Junction Lake. Meston just seems better made and finished off.

Re: Hut-bagger!

PostPosted: Thu 15 Oct, 2009 9:59 pm
by Nick S
Yeah meston hut has more character than most I've come across.
I enjoy looking at all the little modifications that have been made and the crude but functional ways that they are put together.
lake meston hut.jpg
lake meston hut.jpg (190.46 KiB) Viewed 133082 times

Maybe not the graffiti or how people leave leftover food there for an 'emergency' . See the vegemite? that's in case of thiamin deficiency (very serious) :)
lake meston hut 2.jpg
lake meston hut 2.jpg (227.13 KiB) Viewed 133082 times

Re: Hut-bagger!

PostPosted: Thu 15 Oct, 2009 10:37 pm
by lyndoor
Thanks Tas-man. Found that the other night while I was surfing for hut info. Others should take a look. Needs updating a bit, though!!

Thanks for the peak at Meston, Nick S. Hoping to check that out soon...but not in snow conditions, huh Corvus, Brett & co!! :lol:

Re: Hut-bagger!

PostPosted: Fri 16 Oct, 2009 10:01 am
by Ent
Content removed by poster

Re: Hut-bagger!

PostPosted: Wed 21 Oct, 2009 4:26 am
by tomberli
Does anyone know the old hydro hut east of Lake Windermere above the Forth valley? I've seen it from Oakleigh a few times and was wondering what would be the best way to get there. Never yet had the time unfortunately. Has anyone been out there? Is it worth it (for the hut's sake)?

Re: Hut-bagger!

PostPosted: Wed 21 Oct, 2009 11:55 am
by Son of a Beach
tomberli wrote:Does anyone know the old hydro hut east of Lake Windermere above the Forth valley? I've seen it from Oakleigh a few times and was wondering what would be the best way to get there. Never yet had the time unfortunately. Has anyone been out there? Is it worth it (for the hut's sake)?

I'm sure there was an old post on the forums somewhere about this one from 'tastrekker'. I can't find it now though.

Re: Hut-bagger!

PostPosted: Wed 21 Oct, 2009 1:52 pm
by Beevor
I agree on the intrigue and history behind many huts.

Greg French (Tasmanian author, fly-fisher, adventurer) writes about one in his book 'Artificial' that sounds like a home away from home.

My first and only mission to Meston Hut thus far, included involuntary donations of the Rowallan and Cathederal 1:25,000 maps, and some AAA Batteries. I hope they help someone out 8)

Re: Hut-bagger!

PostPosted: Fri 23 Oct, 2009 10:00 pm
by gorby
I have just realised that I am a Hut bagger as well.
Even the old ruins of a hut or where it stood seems to have a certain mysticue (is that a word ) about the site.
Simon Cubit and Des Murray had a book called Huts of the High country that had a sketch and story about a heap of huts.
I have worked thru the book and have visited most of them and aim to finish this quest in the near future.

Re: Hut-bagger!

PostPosted: Sun 25 Oct, 2009 11:55 am
by lyndoor
Hi Gorby.
What a great idea to work through. Cubit/Murray book sounds really interesting. Hard to get info & details on these amazing huts & their history. Do you know who published it. Is it still in print? I know Simon Cubit's "Snarers & Trappers..." is out of print.


Re: Hut-bagger!

PostPosted: Sun 25 Oct, 2009 9:19 pm
Any of you hutbaggers ever been to Lake Rufus hut?? We stayed there last night :) luckily cause it was COLD and snowy!!!!! and we were WET and tired

Re: Hut-bagger!

PostPosted: Mon 26 Oct, 2009 8:51 am
by stu
Here's a couple of pics of the Lake Rufus hut that ILUVSWTAS described (day 3/4 of our King William trip);
it certainly was a welcome sight & the pot bellied stove warmed our near hypothermic bodies back to life.
This day included a record (?) 2km in 5 hours! When in doubt don't descend to the lake shore, it was horrendous!
Lake Rufus hut (MJD & scrubmaster getting ready for departure).

Lake Rufus hut (in need of some cladding; obviously a renovation in progress).

Re: Hut-bagger!

PostPosted: Mon 26 Oct, 2009 9:08 am
Put the group shot up Stu...... 8)

Re: Hut-bagger!

PostPosted: Mon 26 Oct, 2009 9:57 am
by stu is the full team except 1 (yes, a fun large group of 10!).
Ready to depart Lake Rufus hut on day 4 - just as the snow starts!

It was a great trip :D

Re: Hut-bagger!

PostPosted: Mon 26 Oct, 2009 10:05 am
Hahaha yeeeeee what a team!!!
Yeh it was a great trip! 2 days of sunshine, 2 days of snow, hail, hurricane force winds and a touch of scrub.....

Re: Hut-bagger!

PostPosted: Mon 26 Oct, 2009 3:17 pm
by ollster
stubowling wrote:This day included a record (?) 2km in 5 hours! When in doubt don't descend to the lake shore, it was horrendous!

Ivan mentioned doing something like 1.7kms in 10 hours if I recall correctly... I know I've done an ~3km day which took 10 hours. :D

That hut was such a welcoming sight!

Re: Hut-bagger!

PostPosted: Mon 26 Oct, 2009 3:25 pm
Yup we were flying alright :) Ive almost blocked it out entirely from my mind.
I did a 28k day in about 7 hrs recently :P Granted it was on the Freycinet circuit but thats similar terrain to what we were in on Saturday........

Re: Hut-bagger!

PostPosted: Mon 26 Oct, 2009 4:25 pm
by corvus
I am also a Hut tragic my compulsion is to Sleep in every one that I visit and so far I have done so (yes even the one you thought was a bit manky lyndor) it was not, just a wee bit rough round the edges :lol:

Re: Hut-bagger!

PostPosted: Mon 26 Oct, 2009 4:27 pm
Wow I look about 8 feet tall in that group shot! Nice!

Re: Hut-bagger!

PostPosted: Wed 11 Aug, 2010 10:48 pm
by quartz
I notice that someone has commented that the Kosciuszko Huts webpages for Tasmainian Huts need updating.
As the webmaster, I am more than happy to make changes, providing someone sends me accurate info - I live in NSW, and do not get to Tasmania.
Also, the link for the Tasmainian Huts is now at

There is a mention of "Hydro Hut" - I have not heard of it. Does anyone have a photo or more information? Please send to "narelle [at]"


Re: Hut-bagger!

PostPosted: Wed 11 Aug, 2010 11:21 pm
by eggs
I seem to remember seeing a photo of the Hydro hut - probably at tastrekkers link
This is the note from Tastrekker under the topic Derelict Mines - but his link appears not to work anymore:

"Commonwealth Creek Mines
I read about these mines in another Nic Hargarth book about the history of the Mersey-Forth high country. I went dangerously close to these mines on a walk to the Hydro Hut when we visited Razorback Falls but we did not go out of our way enough to fossick. I've since heard that some equipment and water race remains can be found if you're keen enough. We were fascinated to find a large log with huge square metal pegs in it close to Lake McRae. You can read about my Hydro Hut expedition here. As the crow flies, the Hydro Hut is close to the Wolfram Mine, but 700 metres higher."
[Edit - tried google and found a new link to his report - but photos appear to be missing :( ]

Its one thing to be a hut bagger - but do you stay in them all?
I was excited to get to Ironstone {Lake Nameless} Hut recently - but it was occupied and we were already a bit off our schedule and needed to move on.
Been past Dixon's Kingdom 3 times now, but never tried to stay in it.

Re: Hut-bagger!

PostPosted: Wed 11 Aug, 2010 11:54 pm
by Liamy77
yeah i'm one of you too!!!
And have found two of the three "hidden" Wellington park huts so far.... still have 1 to find yet....
(and no i probably wont say where exactly but one of them is within sight of the casino and bridge...)
Still want to find out more history on them... i sent an email tp the hut preservation society as i was interested in joining and helping out but HAD NO RESPONSE! :cry: - i guess they have all the help they want :roll:

Re: Hut-bagger!

PostPosted: Thu 12 Aug, 2010 12:00 am
by Liamy77
Also this post just started recently - not just huts but anythin along historical lines would be most welcome....

Re: Hut-bagger!

PostPosted: Thu 12 Aug, 2010 9:51 am
by Liamy77
corvus wrote:I am also a Hut tragic my compulsion is to Sleep in every one that I visit and so far I have done so (yes even the one you thought was a bit manky lyndor) it was not, just a wee bit rough round the edges :lol:

If you consider Sleep a "hobby" then suddenly every day becomes way more productive!

Re: Hut-bagger!

PostPosted: Thu 12 Aug, 2010 10:08 am
by Liamy77
ILUVSWTAS wrote:Any of you hutbaggers ever been to Lake Rufus hut?? We stayed there last night :) luckily cause it was COLD and snowy!!!!! and we were WET and tired

yeah i have.... did a basecamp n explore around the western side of the lake with my older sister n her mates a long while back now... the old hut that is before they did it in in the 80s (but i was only there overnight as i was little at the time the others stayed longer mum n i walked out)

Re: Hut-bagger!

PostPosted: Thu 12 Aug, 2010 1:08 pm
by kramster if only there were a points system assigned to said hut-finding-infatuation :wink: