Dog Heard Near Lake Rodway

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Dog Heard Near Lake Rodway

Postby PeterJ » Thu 06 Mar, 2008 8:20 pm

There is a little valley with a lake that is directly south and over the ridge from Lake Rodway. Whilst in the valley on Monday 3 March we heard a dog bark several times at about 7:30 AM and it did not seem particularly distant, coming from the east near to the lake. On checking about we came upon a dead wallaby lying in a somewhat awkward position but apart from a little disturbance to the fur near the neck, there was no great sign of what may have caused the animals death. It was reasonably big and well built. However we did not touch or move the wallaby. Some 100 metres further on we noticed animal fur lying about in a couple spots.

The two of us both feel quite confident that it was a dog bark, it wasn’t a growl.

The incident has been reported to the Parks & Wildlife Service at Cradle Valley

Is anyone aware of similar reports from the area?
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Re: Dog Heard Near Lake Rodway

Postby tasadam » Mon 10 Mar, 2008 5:53 pm

PeterJ wrote:... The incident has been reported to the Parks & Wildlife Service at Cradle Valley...

I bet they were most interested to get as much info as you could tell them.
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Re: Dog Heard Near Lake Rodway

Postby Son of a Beach » Mon 10 Mar, 2008 5:57 pm

I noticed signs up at the Lees Paddocks track indicating they're doing another dog eradication program in that area (as they did a few years ago). But that's a long way from Lake Rodway.

Mind you, the last dog eradication in the paddocks area was a long time. I guess the pack could have split and/or migrated a long way in that time.
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Re: Dog Heard Near Lake Rodway

Postby corvus » Mon 10 Mar, 2008 6:16 pm

I last heard the dogs when I was at Wadleys in the Paddocks and from there to Rodway area is not that far as a dog trots so it is feasable that they are roaming over a large area as game is getting spooked by them .Be really intersted to read Parks reply.
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Re: Dog Heard Near Lake Rodway

Postby Joe » Mon 10 Mar, 2008 6:20 pm

Slight Thread jack here...but it is on topic at least. We were discussing this at the meetup the other night and SOB mentioned that there had been reports of dogs bailing up walkers. Have any members here actually seen a wild dog? Has anyone been threatened by one? Unlike the other nasties in the bush wild dogs may not follow the "they are more scared of you" mantra. Really quite interested to hear anyones experiences.
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Re: Dog Heard Near Lake Rodway

Postby Jean @ Arm R » Sun 20 Apr, 2008 6:15 pm

I came across a light coloured large-ish hound in the middle of a myrtle forest when I took an hour's walk south from the road at Vale of Belvoir 2 years ago. May have been from a local hunters camp or farm I guess, but he didn't seem to be in a hurry to get anywhere. Looked purebred, young and pretty healthy. I tried to get up to him but he ran away when I came within 2m - on this occasion I was clearly the more scary one.
Anyway, I was amazed that a dog was so far into a wilderness area and I asked my partner about it. He used to move in shooting circles and says shooters sometimes lose new dogs when they take them hunting for the first time. They don't really try to find them - either the dog finds its way back to camp, or the shooter gets a new one.
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Re: Dog Heard Near Lake Rodway

Postby Taurë-rana » Thu 06 Nov, 2008 7:43 pm

I was going to post asking about this topic - I have heard rumours of wild dogs in the Central Highlands for some time, and a few months ago overheard a conversation about a couple of fisherman being attacked. It makes me worried about going walking by myself as my youngest son got attacked by a dog last Christmas (the neighbour's) so I have seen first hand exactly what they can do.
Has anyone heard any more since the last post?
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Re: Dog Heard Near Lake Rodway

Postby corvus » Thu 06 Nov, 2008 8:07 pm

D- annie check with Parks they should be able to give you details on the current situation re dogs
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