Flinders - Goolman Conservation Estate

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Flinders - Goolman Conservation Estate

Postby ofuros » Sun 04 Aug, 2013 3:25 pm

This link will give you most of the info you'll going to need if your going to explore the area,
just south of Ipswich, suitable for bushwalkers, mountain bikes & horses......
http://www.ipswich.qld.gov.au/documents ... _guide.pdf

To get the most out of this area, your going to have go leave the track & climb a ridge or two,
MT Goolman, Mt Blaine or Flinders Peak summits are there for the taking & provide great views.
There's 3 or 4 smaller peaks to tackle nearby too.

Its a very dry area, so take plenty of fluids, there's a couple of small dams spaced out along the trail
for watering horses, so you can try your filtering system in there if your really desparate. :wink:
No ticks while I was there....that's always a good thing.

Mt Blaine
The track on the brochure doesn't actually go to Mt Blaine.....just to a seat with a view Flinders Peak on its saddle.
If you want to summit you'll have to locate the sometimes overgrown unmarked track, just off the fenceline.

Mt Blaine P8040001 (9) (Small).JPG
Mt Blaine P8040001 (9) (Small).JPG (84.05 KiB) Viewed 47382 times

There's a geocache on the summit with bits & pieces & a log book if your into that sort of thing.
Flinders Peak in the background

Mt Blaine P8040001 (18) (Small).JPG
Mt Blaine P8040001 (18) (Small).JPG (94.25 KiB) Viewed 47382 times

Far left, the horseshoe shaped Ivory's Rock.....far right Mt Goolman.

Mt Blaine P8040001 (26) (Small).JPG
Mt Blaine P8040001 (26) (Small).JPG (86.91 KiB) Viewed 47382 times
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Athrotaxis selaginoides
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Re: Flinders - Goolman Conservation Estate

Postby ofuros » Sun 04 Aug, 2013 3:36 pm

Flinders Peak
Easy to follow unmarked track behind the info board in the car park.
Views start to kick in once your about halfway up.
A tired helicopter pad & Telstra shacks & antenna sit on top.
Start early to beat the heat. Cool breezes make climb bearable.

Flinders Peak P8020001 (44) (Small).JPG
Flinders Peak P8020001 (44) (Small).JPG (97.42 KiB) Viewed 47379 times

Brushed tailed rock wallaby

Flinders Peak P8020001 (31) (Small).JPG
Flinders Peak P8020001 (31) (Small).JPG (56.04 KiB) Viewed 47379 times
Flinders Peak P8020001 (32) (Small).JPG
Flinders Peak P8020001 (32) (Small).JPG (55.42 KiB) Viewed 47379 times

Views North

Flinders Peak P8020001 (14) (Small).JPG
Flinders Peak P8020001 (14) (Small).JPG (74.23 KiB) Viewed 47379 times

Lunch of on the summit....jungle jellies & nobby's nuts. :lol:

Flinders Peak P8020001 (40) (Small).JPG
Flinders Peak P8020001 (40) (Small).JPG (90.99 KiB) Viewed 47379 times
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Re: Flinders - Goolman Conservation Estate

Postby tomh » Sun 04 Aug, 2013 3:51 pm

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Re: Flinders - Goolman Conservation Estate

Postby ofuros » Sun 04 Aug, 2013 4:05 pm

Enter at your own risk.......they have re-aligned the section & by-passed the effected area.
The warning signs still remain.....
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Re: Flinders - Goolman Conservation Estate

Postby ofuros » Fri 16 Aug, 2013 12:16 pm

Mt Goolman.

The start of this unmarked track is just a short warmup walk from the end of Spowers rd. Start early to beat the heat.
Apart from inhaling a spider for a millisecond at the start of the track, the climb was uneventful.....
Views were subdued, catching only glimpses of Mt Blaine, Flinders Peak & Ivory's rock through the
tree canopy which surrounded the summit.
A welcome morning breeze buffeted the summit cooling my hot & sweaty body.
Smoke haze covered the horizon, its source near Mt Elliott, growing bigger & meaner by the minute..

Limited views...

P8160008 (Small).JPG
P8160008 (Small).JPG (73.26 KiB) Viewed 47229 times

Stumbled upon another geocache....

P8160012 (Small).JPG
P8160012 (Small).JPG (61.45 KiB) Viewed 47229 times

Hairy socks..

P8160015 (Small).JPG
P8160015 (Small).JPG (60.63 KiB) Viewed 47229 times

An enjoyable mornings walk.... :wink:
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Re: Flinders - Goolman Conservation Estate

Postby tomh » Sat 07 Dec, 2013 5:32 am

If you can complete the following survey and refer to Flinders Peak it may help to get the Flinders Peak summit route/track reopened.

Hi guys,

Targeting any & all re this: Ipswich City Council have opened a closed door by introducing this "survey" of outdoor recreational areas, so a golden opportunity to get this lovely mountain & parkland area re-opened.

Go here: http://www.ipswich.qld.gov.au/ and click on the "outdoor recreation plan" then the survey (https://www.surveymonkey.com/s/PW5QG2V ).

Any & all help is appreciated.

Mark Gamble
ACAQ member (Aus. Climbing Assoc. Qld)
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Re: Flinders - Goolman Conservation Estate

Postby ofuros » Sat 07 Dec, 2013 7:26 am

Done ! Fingers crossed.
Thanks for the heads up, tomh.
There are other ridges to the summit, but it would be nice to get the Flinders Peak track re-opened.. the views are great. :wink:

Don't delay if you want to fill in the survey......Feedback is required by Thursday, 2 January 2014.
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Re: Flinders - Goolman Conservation Estate

Postby blacklion » Sat 21 Feb, 2015 10:55 am

Ofuros - I recently walked about halfway up and stopped for a late lunch before reluctantly having to turn back around. I would've had time but i drove around for about an hr trying to find the road into it. I ended up going around some camping groups for along time :(
Anyway I want to get back there, cause its only around 10-15 from my house, but I didn't locate any water last time. Are you able to explain the dam locations? Or maybe circle the areas on the map? Would be greatly appreciated. Also have you ventured out around whiterock spring mountain? Thats basically across the rd from me sp i spend some time there... again no water found :(.
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Re: Flinders - Goolman Conservation Estate

Postby ofuros » Thu 26 Feb, 2015 1:42 pm

Hi blacklion, lets see if I can help......

A map first up...since the link in my first post is broken.
http://www.ipswich.qld.gov.au/__data/as ... _Guide.pdf

Remember this is mainly a horse trail, so the water he water points won't be pristine & clear.
You would be better off carrying your own water supply unless your giving your filter system a trial run.
Heading south from Hardings Paddock picnic area or Spowers rd, the first large pool is marked on the map, it's slightly off the main track but
can be seen through the Eucalypt trees. It's also sign posted.

Trail P7280007 (3) (Medium).JPG

The second smaller dam is between Mt Goolman & Mt Blaine. On the map, it's on the wiggly track section just before climbing up
to the Mt Blaine saddle, the track crosses a blue line, that's where next pool is. Can't miss it as the track passes right beside it.

Trail P7280007 (8) (Medium).JPG

The next water source, is Sandy Creek at Flinders Plum Picnic area. I'm guessing that may dry up from time to time, depending if it's
a drought year or not. Don't have any photo's of the creek for some reason. :roll:

Beyond Flinders Peak there another dam marked on the map but I haven't personally laid my eyes on that one.
Hope the info helps. :wink:

P.S. Ivory's Rock was off limits at the time.....not sure if the access issues have changed.
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Re: Flinders - Goolman Conservation Estate

Postby blacklion » Thu 26 Feb, 2015 6:30 pm

Cheers for the info. Its hard to know whats where when you haven't laid eyes on it. Ive got a few walks lined up now around the area. Very keen to get out there and test some gear do some bushcraft and spend a night under the stars
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Re: Flinders - Goolman Conservation Estate

Postby ofuros » Fri 05 Feb, 2016 12:21 pm

Flinders Peak is open for business again...
New sign at the start of the track, 6km return or 7500 steps !...or so it says in the updated brochure in the picnic area.
Creeks are dry in the area @ the moment.
Gate opens 6am summer & winter.

DSCF0712 (Medium).JPG

DSCF0709 (Medium).JPG

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