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Danjera trig

Wed 10 Sep, 2014 8:23 pm

Hi i was wondering if anyone has the grid ref for bladens pass along the yarramunmun fire trial to the juntion of danjera and boolijah creeks thank you

Re: Danjera trig

Sat 13 Sep, 2014 11:26 am

Maybe try posting this in the general section (as opposed to track notes). Gandolph probably has a good idea about this one. Beware, once Gandolph gets started on Ettrema-Shoalhaven-Budawangs he won't know when to stop.


Re: Danjera trig

Sat 13 Sep, 2014 8:44 pm

Can't help with a GR, but if it's named after Warick Blayden, then the spelling's different.

Re: Danjera trig

Sat 13 Sep, 2014 11:45 pm

Yes - it is definitely "Blaydens Pass". This name appears, with many others on a sketch map of the Bundundah - Ettrema Area compiled by Peter Harris (NPA and SBW) in the late 70's. Peter, and other walkers he walk with like Warwick Blayden did a lot of exploratory walking in the area during that period. Also - the area was under threat from mining at Jones Creek, and there was an important conservation battle. I have not seen the map, nor been up or down the pass so cannot help with its location. I had a look through "Fitzoy Falls and Beyond" and nothing there. It is mentioned in an article in this SBW magazine from September 1993. Here is a link - (page 2), which is interesting.


Re: Danjera trig

Sun 14 Sep, 2014 9:04 pm

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