Radiata Plateau: Blacks Ladders and Esgate Pass

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Radiata Plateau: Blacks Ladders and Esgate Pass

Postby FatCanyoner » Sat 10 Sep, 2011 12:11 am

G'day folks,
I've just been reading some of the trip reports here are thought some people might be interested in a recent trip I did off Radiata Plateau.
It was a fairly easy exploration of two historic passes. Blacks Ladders is an old aboriginal route into the Megalong, which was marked on maps from the late 1830's. Esgate Pass was put in up the distinctive nose of Megalong point by Ben Esgate, and involved one exposed section using chains.
I did this trip years ago, when I first started bushwalking, and it still amazes me that more people don't visit the area. Both passes are straightforward, navigation isn't too hard, there are only a few sections of scrub, and the views are pretty impressive.
I've written up a trip report here: http://fatcanyoners.org/2011/08/28/blacks-ladders-and-esgate-pass/
I really recommend the area for anyone who is looking for an interesting, historically significant day walk in the upper mountains. It still blows me away that you can be so close to town, yet on a walk that gives a sense of complete isolation!
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Re: Radiata Plateau: Blacks Ladders and Esgate Pass

Postby tom_brennan » Tue 13 Sep, 2011 11:26 pm

I suspect that the fact there is a fair bit of scrambling and exposure along the way keeps more people from doing it. Ben Esgate Pass is more exposed than Carlon Head, but the scrambling is easier. Some more photos (and a trip report):
http://ozultimate.com/tom/bushwalking/2 ... photos.htm
Bushwalking NSW - http://bushwalkingnsw.com
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Athrotaxis selaginoides
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Re: Radiata Plateau: Blacks Ladders and Esgate Pass

Postby FatCanyoner » Wed 14 Sep, 2011 9:02 pm

I don't think the scrambling or exposure are as bad as Carlon Head. Sure there are a couple shale ledges along the way, but most are fairly wide and easy to navigate, and if you feel uncomfortable you can simply back-track and drop down a little lower. Even the chains are much easier, with a large ledge under you so you wouldn't fall too far, heaps of natural holds on the rock, and spikes that actually seem to be in good condition. Compare that to the spikes on Carlon's (second aided climb) where the natural holds are less, half the spikes are loose or missing, the wall is almost sheer and the drops to either side are substantial, and I'd say Esgate Pass is distinctly easier. Going in the opposite direction would be less fun, but I'd say the chains are still easier than Walls Pass, and that is a relatively easy down-climb.
P.S. Nice photos. I actually saw those the other week. I flicked a link to a few people who wanted to come on my walk to make sure they know what they were getting in to!
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Athrotaxis selaginoides
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