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Lonely Bay Walk

Wed 13 Oct, 2010 8:03 pm

I was planning to go fishing but the weather wasn't favourable to say the least so, instead of that I started heading for home in N.S.W. when I saw a sign; "Lonely Bay Walk". I figured, what else was I doing and so I turned off and went to see what the sign was all about. I parked the motorhome in what looked the likely spot and headed off into the bush, anticipating that the bay might in fact be a surf beach.
Well, I got that all wrong as it was, in fact, a seaboard lake with an occasional exit to the ocean. Still, it was a pleasant stroll and after a few hundred metres I reached a narrow inlet featuring many dead trees either side before the bay opened up about a kilometre further on. Views across the water revealed fenced paddocks and a town towards the ocean though it was strictly wilderness on the northern side.
I chose to shoot landscapes on the way out and animals on the way back.
After a few kms imagine my surprise when I reached a larger carpark with tables and toilets. It was here I decided to head back.
In trying to shoot birds I had little success but the cicadas were very accommodating. One came out of a tree and landed on a fern right next to me and, while I was looking for birds elsewhere I leaned on a tree and felt a buzzing at my side.
Eventually I also shot some birds so it was a rewarding morning. Hope you enjoy the pics.
Lonely Bay.jpg
The inlet with the dead trees
Lonely Bay.jpg (120.25 KiB) Viewed 12625 times
Lonely Bay (8).jpg
Fallen tree en route
Lonely Bay (8).jpg (91.21 KiB) Viewed 12625 times
Lonely Bay - cicada (14).jpg
Green grocer cicada
Lonely Bay - yellow Monday cicada.jpg
Yellow Monday cicada
Lonely Bay - yellow Monday cicada.jpg (69.78 KiB) Viewed 12625 times
Lonely Bay - golden whistler.jpg
Golden whistler in full song

Re: Lonely Bay Walk

Wed 13 Oct, 2010 10:17 pm

This is nice, where is it?

Thanks for the photos, they are awesome

Re: Lonely Bay Walk

Thu 14 Oct, 2010 6:35 am

Great pics, love the last one - the bug in front of the bird doesn't look too happy. must be the supper song the whistler is singing!

Re: Lonely Bay Walk

Thu 14 Oct, 2010 6:46 am

Thanks for the positive feedback fellas.
It's located Lake Tyers, along with several other walks, in eastern Victoria, not that far from Orbost.
Well spotted re the cicada shell. Despite their (the cicadas) presence they were unusually quiet.
Lonely Bay (11).jpg
The inlet
Lonely Bay (11).jpg (120.48 KiB) Viewed 12604 times
Lonely Bay - spotted pardalote (12).jpg
Yellow rumped spotted pardalote
Lonely Bay - spotted pardalote (12).jpg (135.83 KiB) Viewed 12604 times
Lonely Bay (25).jpg
Native flowers
Lonely Bay (25).jpg (48.76 KiB) Viewed 12604 times
Eastern yellow robin.jpg
Eastern yellow robin
Lonely Bay (119).jpg
Funguw en route

Re: Lonely Bay Walk

Thu 14 Oct, 2010 7:48 am

That elusive Pardelote shot is cool!

Re: Lonely Bay Walk

Thu 14 Oct, 2010 4:34 pm

Lovely shots Ian.

I'll have to put that walk on the (ever growing) list of walks to check out in Gippsland

Re: Lonely Bay Walk

Thu 14 Oct, 2010 5:13 pm

The best bird area was a loop that goes off the main track called the Fern Loop if you were interested in the birds. I also shot a black faced monarch, eastern spinebill and some other as-yet-unidentified bird in the same spot.
Cheers all

Re: Lonely Bay Walk

Sat 16 Oct, 2010 11:07 am

Very nice shots. Thanks for posting them. CV

Re: Lonely Bay Walk

Sun 07 Nov, 2010 5:34 pm

Great photos, you have a good eye and good eyes!
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