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Moondogs Snow Trip 2016

Sun 03 Jul, 2016 9:25 am

Leaving packing until the last minute combined with some last minute clothing shopping and trying to finish a dividing fence, buying a Sim card for the loaned phone and rejoicing in what is going to be [ probably] a hung parliament and a definite swing against the old government and finishing the Knight in Shiny Armour costume for the 4YOs birthday.
Adding in to the load are a couple of new nylon/polyester tarps and a cheap [ $10-] tent I bought at the Recycle centre; yes another experiment; and the shovels and block splitter I left in the ute and brought all the way back home by mistake and ditto the bag of spare tent pole sections.
I didn't make up the Paris sled and I'm using train of 2 or 3 much smaller LW sleds instead.
I've had a full 6 months to do it all and I'm really only 90% organised but that really only means one extra trip from Windy corner to the camp site.
I have to make 2 stops on the drive up, the first to drop off my old canvas tent at Evans factory and one in Wodonga to pick up my new skis.
I'll fill the ute with fuel, pack it later today and hopefully be on the road early enough to miss the worst on the Western Car-Park

Re: Moondogs Snow Trip 2016

Sun 03 Jul, 2016 11:04 am

Awesome MD, sounds like you're all but ready for a long stay :)

Will Cecile be doing the odd post to keep us updated on your progress?

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Re: Moondogs Snow Trip 2016

Sun 03 Jul, 2016 11:21 am

I have a lodge [ Halleys ] where I will be storing my Telemark skis
I hope to be able to update on a semi-regular basis and add pix as I go
Also Cecile will also be doing updates from time to time.
A lot of extra gear
Some because of my annual experimentation but some because the grandkids "may" get a chance to come up and they won't be able to carry too much gear on the walk in

Re: Moondogs Snow Trip 2016

Mon 04 Jul, 2016 5:03 am

0500 and on my way in 5 minutes
Kiss the wife and pick up "Betsy"

Re: Moondogs Snow Trip 2016

Fri 15 Jul, 2016 4:15 pm

Been an "interesting week.
As in the old Chinese curse "May you live in interesting times." and I have already lost the huge group circus tent, either to vandalism or storm damage; and to be honest it is hard to tell the difference under a meter of snow.
Weather is good today but over a metre of snow at PV and winds in excess of 100klicks and gusts much higher
So far the other cheap tent is holding up but I have already had to replace 5 wand sections
I have laundry in the machine at the lodge where my skis are stored and i am sitting in the lounge at Pretty Valley eating potato chips and thinking a beer would be nice
It will be a late return to the camp as the last lift to Summit is in 40 minutes and my laundry is at least an hour off.
I just went shopping
No chnge from $100-and a lot of that is batteries for the camera and headlamp

Re: Moondogs Snow Trip 2016

Tue 19 Jul, 2016 11:36 pm

MD, good to hear that you are having fun ;-) Hoping to come visit soon. Tell me what size batteries and I'll bring some with us - no point in paying mountain prices.

Re: Moondogs Snow Trip 2016

Sat 23 Jul, 2016 10:00 am

Thanx Sim but I'm here in Geelong for a few days so I'll buy here
AA Lithium for the camera and the BD Icon

Re: Moondogs Snow Trip 2016

Sat 23 Jul, 2016 10:13 am

Hey MD. Wondering what lighting you're using. That's a lotta batteries you need.
Do you have a spiffy inflatable solar lantern (Luci or others)? Love mine so much I use it at home sometimes. Not so helpful skiing back to the tent in the dark, but you're probably not doing that every day.

Re: Moondogs Snow Trip 2016

Sat 23 Jul, 2016 10:34 am

Black Diamond Icon headlamp
in the tent I just use something cheap like those $2- LED fairly lights and/or a small headlamp that uses 3 AAA batteries
When I need light that really throws a beam for finding my way in the dark I get an hour of strong light from the Icon on full power so I try and reserve it for those occasions when I really need that sort of light

Re: Moondogs Snow Trip 2016

Sat 23 Jul, 2016 10:36 am

MD what's going on up there weather wise. Looks abysmal from a snow perspective at the moment.

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Re: Moondogs Snow Trip 2016

Sat 23 Jul, 2016 10:38 am

I should add that's is 28 degrees here in QLD and snow sounds almost impossible with temps like this!!!

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Re: Moondogs Snow Trip 2016

Sat 23 Jul, 2016 11:12 am

Moondog55 wrote:Black Diamond Icon headlamp
in the tent I just use something cheap like those $2- LED fairly lights and/or a small headlamp that uses 3 AAA batteries
When I need light that really throws a beam for finding my way in the dark I get an hour of strong light from the Icon on full power so I try and reserve it for those occasions when I really need that sort of light

I'd really recommend you get a solar lantern. They're available from places like ?Anaconda, or online. Revolutionises winter camping. Fully charged, gives 12 hours of good light. Low beam, high beam, flashing options. Recharges in a few hours, some (at least) don't need direct sunlight for recharging. We hung one up in a hut, and people could read by it, play cards, cook etc etc.
103gm on my scales, folds down flat (maybe 2 cm thick).
Does wonders for morale when tent-bound, too.

I've used it to provide excellent light for a difficult tyre change in the dark (spare tyre under the car, with the tow bar attachment point preventing proper access to the bolt), etc, etc, etc.

I understand they were developed as good affordable, clean, safe light for people who have no electricity. Having spent time in places where kero carried for days is the only option, I'm thrilled to see this, and would support this brand over others like it where possible. No, I don't have connections with the company, but I think it's one of the best inventions in a while, and I like their business model.
Last edited by Tortoise on Sat 23 Jul, 2016 11:15 am, edited 1 time in total.

Re: Moondogs Snow Trip 2016

Sat 23 Jul, 2016 11:14 am

Giddy_up wrote:I should add that's is 28 degrees here in QLD and snow sounds almost impossible with temps like this!!!

Been snowing on the NW coast of Tassie this morning!

Re: Moondogs Snow Trip 2016

Sat 23 Jul, 2016 11:33 am

Can't wait to move there Tortoise, sooner the better for me :)

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Re: Moondogs Snow Trip 2016

Sat 23 Jul, 2016 1:54 pm

Im with Tortise. The solar lantern are brilliant. I have several. I purchased some and Tortise very kindly gave me some when she last visied :-) They are brilliant on the trail, around camp (I hang a couple in the trees), in the tent/hammock. They are very very handy around the house too. I leave one downstairs near our fruit bowl in case of a blackout. My boys like a light left on to sleep and I've popped one outside their doors on low when we've had a lengthy couple of days blackout. They fold flat and weigh next to nothing. Double thumbs up!

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Re: Moondogs Snow Trip 2016

Sat 23 Jul, 2016 1:58 pm

Yep I like the solar lantern too :)

Re: Moondogs Snow Trip 2016

Sat 23 Jul, 2016 3:44 pm

The solar lights are awesome, we have one from Kathmandu and a couple of the Lucis. They don't weigh much and you can usually charge them even in pretty dismal weather. Ours got a work out last week when we were without power for 3 days, right after moving from WA and still trying to unpack our belongings. Always take one walking.

Re: Moondogs Snow Trip 2016

Tue 26 Jul, 2016 10:03 am

Headed back up the hill with a replacement camera and lots of repair gear including new wand sections and a complete roll of silver tape
One more destroyed tent and I have the deposit on a Varanger Camp 14 man lavvu

Re: Moondogs Snow Trip 2016

Thu 11 Aug, 2016 7:41 am

A side note to Ceciles report and all the photos
Once more the weight loss has been quite large and this is despite using a hot tent and sleeping very warmly
I have lost 10 kilos, from 105 down to 91 kilos

Re: Moondogs Snow Trip 2016

Sun 14 Aug, 2016 11:39 am

Moondog55 wrote:A side note to Ceciles report and all the photos
Once more the weight loss has been quite large and this is despite using a hot tent and sleeping very warmly
I have lost 10 kilos, from 105 down to 91 kilos

MD please take care. That sounds like a lot.

Re: Moondogs Snow Trip 2016

Sun 14 Aug, 2016 2:37 pm

dagsands wrote:
MD please take care. That sounds like a lot.

It seems to be sitting well with me tho, and no where as drastic as the last trip
I do seem tho to have a real problem with my appetite as I lose weight, rich foods used to be no problem to eat but I've only eaten about a 10th of my chockolate allowance and about the same of the butter and bacon fat.
For my height and build 90 kilos is about right although my marathon weight was a lot lower I was far too skinny at 75 to 80kg and I had no upper body strength then
Perhaps the loss of appetite for rich foods was my body telling me to get rid of the spare tyres I was carrying

Re: Moondogs Snow Trip 2016

Tue 23 Aug, 2016 11:45 am

Hey MD
I'm glad to hear it's sitting well with you. Hope that's still the case.

Were you descended upon by this mob back in July?

Re: Moondogs Snow Trip 2016

Sat 27 Aug, 2016 1:46 am

Luckily not
In fact very few people around this season. Some Army doing adventure training and Latrobe Uni OE students but only a few real campers
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