The Good, the Bad and the Ugly.

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The Good, the Bad and the Ugly.

Postby Mechanic-AL » Sun 19 Nov, 2023 6:51 pm

2 bizarre occurrences took place in early November. The first one being a field trip by the West Australian Native Orchid Study Group (WANOSG) to the north west of Tassie of all places. When my wife asked if I was interested in tagging along with her orchid bothering friends I couldn't believe my good fortune. Here was an opportunity to roam around the Tarkine searching for native orchids all the while benefiting from the knowledge of 24 experts in this department. But of more importance was the chance to sneek off by myself with a tent for a while and explore an area that I'd previously had very little chance to investigate.

The second bizarre event was a seemingly endless run of the most sublime spring weather the west coast could possibly put on! (I've got climate change to thank for that I guess ). With the help of a few handy car shuttles from my new found orchid buddies I managed to walk a few decent chunks of the coast between Marrawah and Trial Harbour under beautiful blue skies.
That was the good bit........

Unfortunately a few days around Arthur River coincided with the long weekend. The walk from West Point to Arthur River was like walking down a motor cross track at times. I was well aware of ongoing issues with bike and dune buggy enthusiasts on the west coast but wasn't expecting what I encountered. Despite signs advising of bird nesting in the dunes and areas of cultural significance it seems nowhere was off limits. 2 dune buggy's seemed to be climbing the dunes north of Arthur River as if by remote control. I couldn't make out anyone driving them. It wasn't until I got closer I realized 2 kids who were struggling to see over the dash were the crash test dummies piloting these machines up the dunes while their dad's drained tinnies on the foreshore. Their neatly stacked pile of empty cans were still on the beach the next morning. unbelievable !

Thankfully the weekend crowds departed, the weather remained dream like and a few days north of Pieman Heads felt more like a walk in the wilderness that I was hoping for. Unfortunately things got ugly from Pieman Heads to Granville harbour. The huge washouts and maze of bog holes around Conical Rocks was nothing short of enviromental vandalism. Every campsite had tell tale signs of what the long weekend inhabitants had been up to. Rubbish strewn everywhere. At a camp on the northern end of Arhberg Bay a 44 gallon drum overflowing with rubbish had been up ended and blown all over the place. When an innocent looking wombat ambled past and vanished into the coastal scrub I crouched down to see where he had gone to. The scene underneath the knee high scrub was horrific. Stubbies, cans and rubbish everywhere. This poor creatures home resembled a tip. Some thoughtful soul had even turfed a few used frangers into the bush to add to the general ambiance.

I would regard the coastal scenery I was lucky enough to see as unique in the world. But my recollections of this walk are clouded by the mind boggling amount of damage done by the bike and buggy brigade and the staggering amount of filth left by campers. It's obvious that new tracks have been pushed around washouts and bog holes that have become impassable. Over time these new tracks will also become to deep to use and another track will be pushed through. Where does it end ? I can appreciate the difficulties involved in policing such remote areas and I certainly wouldn't want to be the one to tell a few of the people I encountered that their behavior wasn't up to scratch but If this level of vandalism and erosion were taking place on the Freycinet or the Tasman Peninsula I'm sure Parks and even the cops wouldn't be putting up with it.

Unfortunately for some areas of the Tarkine Coast it's already seems too late........
"What went ye out into the wilderness to see?
A reed shaken in the wind"?
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Re: The Good, the Bad and the Ugly.

Postby north-north-west » Sun 19 Nov, 2023 7:19 pm

Yet, as they keep trying to tell us #NotAll4WDers. :roll:
It doesn't take many and there were obviously enough. It's why I avoid certain areas on long weekends and school holidays because those places are unbearable and get totally trashed. It's why certain old 4WD tracks were closed by TasPAWS but the drivers keep pushing to have them re-opened. Fences don't keep them out - they just drive through and over them. Even the big heavy gates aren't always enough.
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Re: The Good, the Bad and the Ugly.

Postby Lostsoul » Mon 20 Nov, 2023 12:40 pm

north-north-west wrote:Yet, as they keep trying to tell us #NotAll4WDers. :roll:
It doesn't take many and there were obviously enough. It's why I avoid certain areas on long weekends and school holidays because those places are unbearable and get totally trashed. It's why certain old 4WD tracks were closed by TasPAWS but the drivers keep pushing to have them re-opened. Fences don't keep them out - they just drive through and over them. Even the big heavy gates aren't always enough.

Unbelievable how much rubbish and vandalism takes place in the bush these days and that’s coming from a hiker,dirt bike rider,fisherman and mountain biker
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Re: The Good, the Bad and the Ugly.

Postby lefroy » Sat 25 Nov, 2023 8:51 pm

And our amazing liberal govt is still wasting time and resources fighting to make these areas more accessible. It's a national disgrace what is happening to such a significant place. Need to be sending letters to the federal environment minister...
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