Heap of Rocks

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Heap of Rocks

Postby Brockerlee » Sat 29 Jul, 2023 6:07 pm

Posting as it is extremely difficult finding any information about this hike.

Starts at the back of Peppers Lodge along the Pencil Pine track, turnong into the PCT,then down the Reynolds Falls track. We then crossed Fleece Creek.

Track is easy to follow to this point. We then headed up a ridge towards the peak. From here on it is NOT signposted. Steep terrain and thick bush until we got tp a vantage point of views to the summit. We continued climbing where the forest disperses and turns into thick buttongrass and heather. Very slow going and quite doifficult in some sections. We made it about 50m vertical, shy of the summit until rain and wind stopped is.

We went wast down a different ridge, still battling significant buttongrass and heather. We made it to Fleece Creek again and then scrambled up a steep slope and continued on to a rough track leading back to the PCT. We then continued on the rough track north until we found a road. We followed until a small loop and then headed off track east to another road which finishes at the BIG4.

If we didn it again we would head south down the rough track from the PCT and head up the ridge we came down on.

Very unmarked when making the attempt and slow going due to thick scrub.

Overall, solid walk.
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Re: Heap of Rocks

Postby north-north-west » Sun 30 Jul, 2023 8:27 am

I did it as part of a trip to Back Peak, Recondite and Remus. The old exploration track mentioned in the first Abels book (Vol I, Ed I, Recondite Knob) was obvious, although the erosion and subsequent buttongrass growth made it awkward in places. Then a short side loop on the return over Heap of Rocks, which I renamed Heap of Scrubby Rocks, because the woody stuff does thicken up as you get closer to the summit boulders regardless of the liine of approach.

Going up onto the ridge via Pandani Creek to the tarns near Back Peak is moderately easier although a bit further, but there's good camping up there if the weather isn't too wild.
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