north-north-west wrote:I'm starting to really dislike MTBers.
Nuts wrote:It seems that the summit trails will get far less use? A reference for the shared trail sections & concerns would help?
(anything in your extensive research Tent Peg?)
bluewombat wrote:I did not post to complain about MTB trails on Mt Owen or to create division. I posted to inform people that what has been a traditional walking track up the mountain (established in the 1930s and refurbished by community volunteers as recently as 2015 according to signage on the walk) is to become at least in part dual usage. I was given this information in person by the trackies marking and working on the track as I was walking up, I have not looked at plans or proposals. They told me this particular track will be double black diamond for the MTBs (it would not be possible to ride up this track the only way will be down). I further suggested that if walkers want to go up Mt Owen (while it is still 'walkers only', the track is not completed for MTBs) now would be the time. I do have safety concerns in any situation where fast things are travelling near slow things and as such I would reiterate that I feel now would be a good time to walk this historic track.
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