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Trip report - South Coast Track

Sat 07 Mar, 2020 1:55 pm

It's just over a year ago now, during the horrible Tasmanian bushfires, that we hiked the South Coast Track. The track was closed two days after we started walking from Melaleuca but we were allowed to continue - we had no idea of course but did wonder why we weren't seeing anyone. The full trip report is here, with photos, ... -tasmania/

A few notes:
* The path up over black cliffs is a real timesaver

* The new bridge at Milford Creek is awesome but walking through the sand dunes between Prion and east Prion was horrible in hot weather...the new stairs were completely overblown with sand - made us wonder if we just shouldn't have stayed on the beach and risked the crossing to below East Prion

This forum was invaluable for planning the trip - so wanted to give something back

Re: Trip report - South Coast Track

Sat 07 Mar, 2020 5:59 pm

Thanks for a great report of your walk, thoroughly enjoyed the read. The track off the Ironbound Range sounds just like it was 20 years ago !

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Re: Trip report - South Coast Track

Sun 08 Mar, 2020 8:56 am

Enjoyable read, Ripley65. Thanks for sharing.
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