Badgers Skyline route

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Badgers Skyline route

Postby billshep2 » Fri 08 Mar, 2019 1:57 pm

We have been working on a new route along the Badger Range near Sheffield. It starts on Morgan Road at Nook where the transmission lines go up the hill past a locked gate. Park here. Walk up to the tranmission tower area and turn right to pick up a track on the edge of the bush. There is another track just below which is the Horse Track : this can be used to return.
Follow the skyline south on a marked route. It soons gets quite exciting on a narrow ridge with big conglomerate towers. There is a tricky descent to a saddle after the best skyline walking. It can be bypassed easily on a marked route. The views are excellent from Baker's Beach and over Mt Roland to the Western Tiers

After this the ridge undulates and is less exciting. Approaching the highest point there is fairly dense small teatree ,probably after fire, we are working to avoid this for a descent route to the Horse Track. Currently I have marked a junction where a good marked route descends to the Horse track and a short side track leads to a Lookout on the Railton side.

There is now a route from Nook to Stoodley all along the Badgers which we hope will become well used.
Last edited by billshep2 on Tue 12 Mar, 2019 1:56 pm, edited 2 times in total.
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Re: Badgers Skyline route

Postby billshep2 » Sun 10 Mar, 2019 11:02 pm

I have attached a screenshot which shows the routes we are working on. The loop at the very southern end is very rough in places and is not advised . It has been replaced by a much easier walk just north of it. We will put up better maps when the route is finalised. Basil has some beautiful pictures of the walk which he may post.
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Re: Badgers Skyline route

Postby Maraea48 » Tue 12 Mar, 2019 5:14 pm

Below is a link to the Map of the Badgers Skyline route from Jarmans Road in Nook. Bill Shepherd walked this track, more than 20 years ago, with Fred Groenier. The Map is a scale-able [zoom in and out] “Listmap” Topographic Basemap. The track can be seen in any of the “Listmap” Basemaps, by simply selecting another map from the Basemap drop down list. And you can add Layers to it as well. Listmap has a host of handy features that most bushwalkers do not seem to know about. You can import GPX and KML files and see them in the different maps. You can also create a track on any of the maps and then export it to your GPS device or Smart Phone. ...
Morgan Skyline.png
Badgers Skyline route
Last edited by Maraea48 on Wed 13 Mar, 2019 6:47 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Badgers Skyline route

Postby Maraea48 » Tue 12 Mar, 2019 6:55 pm

Taking a selfie
The Obstacles
Some of the Boulders
admiring the view
Bakers Beach
Horse Track
Power Lines
The power line and Bakers beach
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Re: Badgers Skyline route

Postby Maraea48 » Tue 12 Mar, 2019 6:59 pm

Jarman - Horse track - Skyline.png
OZtopo Map
The attachment Morgan Skyline.png is no longer available
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Re: Badgers Skyline route

Postby north-north-west » Wed 13 Mar, 2019 7:27 am

Boulders look like fun.
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Re: Badgers Skyline route

Postby Maraea48 » Wed 13 Mar, 2019 9:28 pm

Badgers curent track over view.png
The Badger Range current track network overview
The Badgers Skyline route is the most exiting track of the current Badgers Track network. The network now has 5 access points with a variety of short and long walks. A great asset so close to Sheffield.
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Re: Badgers Skyline route

Postby north-north-west » Thu 14 Mar, 2019 6:29 pm

Great work.
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Re: Badgers Skyline route

Postby billshep2 » Fri 15 Mar, 2019 8:13 pm

I have tidied up the route towards the down track to the Horse Track at the southern end of the walk. There is now a clear well marked route through the teatree.
I went on to follow the ridge south east which improved no end emerging from teatree regrowth and descending to another grand rock lookout with views to the cement works! I have not marked or cleared this route but there is an orange taped line. I descended from a saddle through lovely open forest to Caroline Creek above the Badger Gorge and then back over a low saddle to the Horse Track and Jarmans Road. Lots of potential here.
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Re: Badgers Skyline route

Postby taswegian » Sat 16 Mar, 2019 3:28 pm

Not being negative, but.
Some is on private land, other administered by others.
Some landowners are not favourable towards excursions across parts.
There's also a rifle range to contend with in one section shown above.
Tread carefully is my only comment.
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Re: Badgers Skyline route

Postby matagi » Sat 16 Mar, 2019 8:09 pm

Do any of the walking routes impinge on the next stage of the Wild Mersey mountain bike track?
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Re: Badgers Skyline route

Postby Maraea48 » Sun 17 Mar, 2019 8:34 am

taswegian wrote:Not being negative, but.
Some is on private land, other administered by others.
Some landowners are not favourable towards excursions across parts.
There's also a rifle range to contend with in one section shown above.
Tread carefully is my only comment.

Yes, there are indeed a few places where the horse track traverses private land, but that does not seem to be an issue at present. as an landowner I would probably object too, about horses and bikes using that track but walkers have very little impact. Tracks have been there along time and funny enough most of the existing tracks on the badgers where made by people with bikes! A short section of the Kimberley's lookout track also traverses private land and once again that track has been there for along time, but a suitable bypass route has been surveyed just in case, however it is nowhere near as nice as the old track. As for the riffle range of the Sheffield Rifle Club. Their meetings are supposed to be every Saturday, but a little while ago they started shooting, on a Sunday, while I was on the logging road bypass track. It was a little unnerving at first, because it makes a hell of a racket when they hit the target, Those people are pretty good shots so I decided to carry on anyway since the track at that point is almost 100m higher than the targets. Will have to make some signs to warn people about the riffle range crossing.
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Re: Badgers Skyline route

Postby Maraea48 » Sun 17 Mar, 2019 8:42 am

matagi wrote:Do any of the walking routes impinge on the next stage of the Wild Mersey mountain bike track?

There are a few places where the mountain bike tracks will impinge on the existing walking tracks. In one place there will be an parallel track next to the walking track for the bikes and they will have to walk up to Kimberley's lookout, no bikes allowed there! On shared tracks there will be an speed limit imposed. Where walking tracks cross bike tracks there will be warning signs for the walkers
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Re: Badgers Skyline route

Postby billshep2 » Mon 18 Mar, 2019 5:01 pm

I have finished my work on the Badgers for now. The Skyline Route is in good order and I have cleared the route to the Eastern Lookout. It should take around 50 to 80 minutes as a side trip from the junction where the descent to the Horse track starts. Everything is signposted. I hope people use and enjoy the walks.
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Re: Badgers Skyline route

Postby Maraea48 » Tue 19 Mar, 2019 8:32 pm

Badgers Skyline Track Morgan Rd - Jarmans Rd.png
Badgers Skyline Morgan Rd to Jarmans Rd
Bill Shepherd's Badgers Skyline is the most exiting addition to the current walking track network. With unparalleled views and challenging routes over and around wonderful rock formations. The route from Morgan Rd to Jarmans Rd over the skyline track is sure to be a favorite with many avid Bush walkers. The 4.5km walk can be done under 4 hours, but there are so many great view to be enjoyed that 5 hours should be allocated. Two cars will be required unless you want to walk the Horse track from Jarmans Rd to the head of the track at Morgan Rd. The track is fully taped and quite passable, but still needs a little tidying up in some places.
Badger skyline.png
Badgers Skyline Morgan Rd - Jarmans Rd
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Re: Badgers Skyline route

Postby billshep2 » Sun 24 Mar, 2019 3:13 pm

If Basil's superb photographs don't tempt you to do this walk then nothing will. I had another look at the Badger Gorge and sadly have to conclude its just a steep sided creek with a few rock steps which would have pretty little cascades when the water flows again. No wild ravine.
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Re: Badgers Skyline route

Postby north-north-west » Sun 24 Mar, 2019 7:12 pm

It's on the list for the next time I'm in that area.
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Re: Badgers Skyline route

Postby billshep2 » Sun 31 Mar, 2019 4:50 pm

I took Mary along the Skyline today to get a balanced view of its suitability for the public. She says its fine for folk who are fit and agile and can cope with easy scrambling, but not suitable for large groups of mixed ability. Stick to the taped route as there are very steep drops on the northern end and some thick teatree and bottlebrush scrub to the south.

We tidied up the route again, straightening out the last anomaly on the southern end and retaping where appropriate. Cut more bracken.

It takes about 4 hours to do the walk returning to Morgan road via the Horse Track, about 30 minutes less going to Jarmans Road if you have a vehicle there for shuttle. The Horse Track itself is a nice short walk for allcomers.
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Re: Badgers Skyline route

Postby vclparke » Mon 15 Apr, 2019 10:05 am

If you want a shorter walk, without a car transfer, park on Morgans Road below the transmission towers and walk the first section of the Skyline ridge to the wooded saddle between the two rock outcrops, which provide great viewing platforms and shouldn't be missed. From there you can return to Morgans Road either by walking down from the saddle to the long established Horse Track, or by retracing your steps along the ridge route.

The best rock formations and viewing outlooks are in this northern section. I really can recommend this short walk as the best in the Badgers, with clear viewpoints to north, south, east and west at many points along this section of the skyline ridge. Some easy rock scrambling involved and the ridge line track is rocky and uneven in parts, but otherwise nothing too demanding. More kudos to Bill Shepherd for pioneering and clearing this great skyline walk.
Looking north across the saddle to the rocky summit line on the Morgans Road section of the skyline ridge
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Re: Badgers Skyline route

Postby vagrom » Mon 15 Apr, 2019 10:35 pm

Great photos and track. Reminds me of Dial Range. Might one day allow a more direct walking route from Devonport to Sheffield.
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Re: Badgers Skyline route

Postby billshep2 » Thu 18 Apr, 2019 11:41 pm

Just to say Basil and Lindsay also contributed to opening up this route. Not just Bill. Fred Groenier and I did it many years ago, and I revisited it this summer.

I have plans to put a wire rope ladder on the steep little scramble down to the saddle next week, to maintain the skyline aspect, but we will keep the bypass route for general use and safety
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Re: Badgers Skyline route

Postby billshep2 » Mon 29 Apr, 2019 6:41 pm

I have put up the wire cable ladder at the rock ramp below the first main tower of the Skyline. There is also a rope on the ramp which some may prefer to the ladder. If you have any doubts about this steep little section please use the bypass track which is clearly signposted.
I have also cut and marked a down track from the third saddle to the Horse track for those who want a shorter walk. Down track 1,

Basil and Maraea have done a wonderful job tiding up the route recently. Its no longer as rough and ready as when we first went along. We just improve a little on each visit.
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Re: Badgers Skyline route

Postby Maraea48 » Wed 01 May, 2019 9:17 pm

The top of the ladder is still a little tricky to negotiate. The best way to negotiate the ladder is via the ramp then onto the ladder. The ramp maybe slippery when wet but should be passable anyway. The bypass track, on the western side going below the obstacles, is actually quite a nice track.
Top of the ladder platform
Top of the ladder is a little tricky to negotiate
The ramp is the best way to get onto the ladder
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Re: Badgers Skyline route

Postby north-north-west » Thu 02 May, 2019 8:56 am

That does look like fun. I have to get up there soon.
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Re: Badgers Skyline route

Postby billshep2 » Sat 04 May, 2019 11:30 pm

I have done some more work on the ladder and ramp. There is a well anchored safety line which you can hold when going onto the top of the ladder and a little rock step which I have cleaned up and mortared. The ladder is also now securely attached at the bottom so it should be easy enough to use. I have been up and down working on it many times with tools, buckets of cement etc! I have also put a 5 mm steel cable along the ramp with the rope knotted to it, all attached to pitons cemented into a crevice. I don't really think I can do much more after 6 days work on this site but if in doubt use the bypass which is nice and marked by a large red sign on a picket.
I noticed some little bird orchids on the bottom ledge which I tried to safeguard in all my works. They will hopefully flower in spring.
I noticed that among the splendid views from the Skyline, Cradle is plainly to be seen. Cradle to Baker's Beach, not a bad vista.
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Re: Badgers Skyline route

Postby billshep2 » Tue 07 May, 2019 8:06 pm

Made a few minor improvements to the ladder protecting it from abrading on the rocks and put concrete on the little mortar step at the top. Hopefully this will be quite safe and durable and will soon blend into the landscape. Lot of work went into this little ladder. Please do not interfere with it!! There is a stunning lookout just south of here on the next tower. Great lunchspot.
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Re: Badgers Skyline route

Postby billshep2 » Sat 25 May, 2019 4:27 pm

Observations on the east side of the Badgers.
I have checked out the access to the Badgers from the Railton side as part of my exploration of the Badger Gorge. There is a track off the top of Newbed Road, just opposite Newbed Farm. It has a boom gate with a warning about mining areas. This is the only access in here, much of the area has more keep out signs than Fort Knox! This track is quite nice, as it goes down to Caroline Creek in tall timber . Just before the eroded creek crossing head off left up towards Badger Gorge on a series of rough tracks which should be taped. The Gorge has nice spots but also flood damage and debris. Gorge is in all truth an exaggeration, it's just a steep sided creek bed with some rock steps! It is possible to walk through from the Jarman's Road Horse track over a low saddle and down along Caroline Creek if you can navigate with GPS. The flatter area above the "Gorge" has good walking. A car shuttle between Jarman's Road and Newbed Road would help.

Going on over Caroline Creek takes you up to the old quarry . A steep rough track going off left uphill just before the main quarry skirts the steep banks and connects to the 4 wd track which runs all the way below the Badgers to the transmission line coming over from Morgan Road. I have walked along this track for about 3 km as far as the point where it descends steeply towards the transmission line roads and tidied up debris and windfalls. It is quite pleasant, fairly level with a few undulations and creek crossings. Nice bush.

It would make an excellent mtb track with some grading work. I thought they were planning to use this to go to Latrobe/Warrawee from a trail head at the old quarry but the plans may have changed, and they seem to have set up base at Goliath Park. It might happen with stage 3 of Wild Mersey.

This East Badger sidling track is similar to the Horse Track on the western (Nook) side but it would be very steep and rough to go down to it from the Skyline in many places. With a car shuttle you could walk along it and over to Morgan road. A good winter walk as it's sheltered.
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Re: Badgers Skyline route

Postby billshep2 » Tue 04 Jun, 2019 6:29 pm

I climbed up on to the far S E end of the Badgers above the old quarry off New Bed Road and along the ridge north to the saddle which I use to descend into Caroline Creek/Badger gorge.The steep slope up from the quarry was in dreadful thick teatree regrowth. Don't go there!! The ridge was mostly very nice bush with the odd thick patch probably where fire has gone through.
I went back down the Badger Gorge, a rough walk with little to commend it. No rock scenery, the odd nice spot by the creek, but really not worth the effort alas.This completes my stravaiging of the Badgers for now. I will rake and tidy the southern part of the Skyline route before I head off for Europe for 8 weeks.
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Re: Badgers Skyline route

Postby Maraea48 » Fri 26 Jul, 2019 8:25 am

images (1).jpg
Permanet upvc track markers as used by DOC NZ
images (1).jpg (9.68 KiB) Viewed 48355 times
A small group of volunteers have been rediscovering, maintaining and improving local tracks in the Sheffield area of the Kentish municipality. Those tracks include the track network on the Badgers range, the Minnow falls tracks, O'Neills Creek Nature walk and the Dasher Gorge. Those volunteers have replaced the old and dangerous ladders on the minnow falls escarpment track with new Stainless steel/Pine rope ladders at their own expense. They now have started a Gofundme campaign to raise funds for the improvements, signage and replacement of flagging tape with permanent track markers, on local tracks, as used by the Department of Conservation in New Zealand. you can find more details of the campaign on:
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Re: Badgers Skyline route

Postby Jasonkuys » Sat 28 Sep, 2019 9:10 pm

Hi there
Myself and a friend went up there today and pretty much did the whole outer circuit. You guys have done an exceptional job of clearing and marking the track. Hope future users appreciate as much as we did today. Amazing views to bakers beach, and a very usable and sturdy ladder. . Thank you so much
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