Parsons Track landslip

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Parsons Track landslip

Postby Chris » Wed 07 Dec, 2016 11:31 pm

Just had my first Parsons Track walk and was disappointed to find a big landslip just beyond the King Billies - I presume on Little Growler. Haven't been able to find any info on this since a post from I think 2011 about a large slip South of the start of the track. Maybe people have been traversing it since then, but there didn't seem to be a reasonable route, and it seemed to us to be quite recent. Leaves on some of the downed trees were still fairly fresh. Unfortunately I didn't think to check the logbook at the first hut on the way down.
Not a great photo but it does give an idea of the mess.
It was still a lovely walk as far as it went, but disappointing not to get up to Haberle's at least. Were we being wimps not to continue? :)
[attachment but pr=0]Parsons landslip.jpg[/attachment]
Parsons landslip.jpg
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Re: Parsons Track landslip

Postby stepbystep » Wed 07 Dec, 2016 11:57 pm

That's very recent. I was up there a cpl times last summer and there was no slip. The ground is pretty unstable right now. I've seen more than the usual number of slips etc after all the rain...
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Re: Parsons Track landslip

Postby Chris » Tue 13 Dec, 2016 11:00 pm

I've been in touch with someone from Deloraine Bushwalking Club who tells me the slip has been there for some time, and that TPWS know about it. Disappointed not to find it on TPWS Track, Campsite and Reserve Closures and Re-openings page, which was last updated over a month ago. They do add the proviso that the list may be incomplete, and refer us to their Facebook page, but navigating that page to find useful information is beyond me.

There did seem to be a glimmer of hope that some work might be done some time.
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Re: Parsons Track landslip

Postby Davo1 » Thu 15 Dec, 2016 8:05 am

This happened in June.
There are many major slips along this section of the Tiers that happened at the same time.
Most that I have come across seem to be relatively stable except for the ones holding moisture, they are still very soft.
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Re: Parsons Track landslip

Postby stepbystep » Thu 15 Dec, 2016 9:01 am

Davo1 wrote:This happened in June.
There are many major slips along this section of the Tiers that happened at the same time.
Most that I have come across seem to be relatively stable except for the ones holding moisture, they are still very soft.

Thanks Davo1 .... thought I was going nuts! Saw some minor and major slips in the Eastern Arthurs vicinity recently.
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Re: Parsons Track landslip

Postby Davo1 » Thu 15 Dec, 2016 4:27 pm


Thanks Davo1 .... thought I was going nuts! Saw some minor and major slips in the Eastern Arthurs vicinity recently.[/quote]

yw sbs
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Re: Parsons Track landslip

Postby Chris » Fri 20 May, 2022 11:40 pm

Reviving this topic after going up a couple of times, using the landslip bypass track/scramble.

I'm intrigued by Charlie's Loop which is signposted from below the landslip and near Haberle's. I did check out the lower part some time ago but it was overgrown. Considered using the loop as an alternative way back on a recent trip but thought it worth asking for more info before trying. Any advice on terrain and condition?
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Re: Parsons Track landslip

Postby teak » Sat 21 May, 2022 2:26 pm

I went along Charlie's loop about 12 months ago and the lower part was well marked with flagging tape, but as you went higher the tapes became fewer and further apart. In some places you needed to scan carefully to spot the next tape, the track is not heavily used so can be indistinct. I would suggest starting at the lower end and if the track is too difficult to follow return to the main track.
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Re: Parsons Track landslip

Postby north-north-west » Thu 26 May, 2022 5:08 pm

I came down by Charlie's around the same time teak went up it. Patchy in places, but followable, and a neat alternative to the main track. The worst bit was a steep, narrow, slippery pad beside an old landslip - maybe the one this thread discusses?
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Re: Parsons Track landslip

Postby Chris » Thu 26 May, 2022 10:56 pm

Thanks to Teak and NNW. I wonder which steep, narrow slippery option would be preferable for those of us with poor balance? It looks like they are rather similar in that respect.
Maybe I just need to go back and decide how enthusiastic I feel when I actually reach the tricky part of Charlie's Loop.
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Re: Parsons Track landslip

Postby north-north-west » Fri 27 May, 2022 8:14 am

There are plenty of trees to grab (or bump into), so the steep, slippery bit isn't as bad as it could be. My balance with a full pack is roughly on a par with Sky "News" election coverage, but I've survived that track three times now.
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