Blue Peaks/Little Throne Walk

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Blue Peaks/Little Throne Walk

Postby whynotwalk » Mon 04 Jan, 2016 4:42 pm

G'day all. Just before Christmas a mate and I had a great first ever trip to Blue Peaks and beyond. What a surprise! We hadn't expected a lot, having had a few walks in adjacent areas (eg Forty Lakes Peak), which I'd found "pleasant", but not much more than that.

But we chose this walk because my mate Tim is still recovering from a frozen shoulder, and driving to 1100m (Lake Mackenzie) saved him quite a bit of work. Me too :) We ambled in towards Middle Lake on a sporadically taped track, but had no difficulties getting there in 3 hours - with lots of photo stops. We found a great campsite sheltered in amongst pencil pines set back from a lake, and directly beneath one of the Blue Peaks.

Campsite View.jpg
Looking towards Little Throne from the campsite

After dinner we clambered to the top for a superb sunset show.

Atop Blue Peak.jpg
Evening falls on Blue Peak

Sunset from near Blue Peak

The next day included an excursion to the intriguing knob of rock aptly call Little Throne. There's more detail on my blog here:


Solvitur ambulando (Walking solves it) - attributed to St Augustine, 4th century AD.
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Re: Blue Peaks/Little Throne Walk

Postby naturelover » Mon 18 Jan, 2016 8:10 am

You've inspired me ... now I'll turn to the fuller report in your blog. Thanks Peter
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Athrotaxis cupressoides
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Re: Blue Peaks/Little Throne Walk

Postby DanShell » Mon 18 Jan, 2016 9:18 am

Thanks Peter.

The quote..
"If you truly love nature, you will find beauty everywhere."
- Vincent Van Gogh

Is very true, especially in this instance.

To walk around that area when there has been a lot of rain does in fact require quite a bit of wading, at times up your chest. Nothing too wide but awkwardly just wide enough to eliminate jumping over the water ways.
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