Winterbrook Falls access

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Winterbrook Falls access

Postby billshep » Fri 27 Feb, 2015 5:08 pm

There is another culvert down on the road into Winterbrook Falls. This one is just past the quarry about 900 mts before the Winterbrook Tramway Track carpark, so its not too far to walk . A big ditch has been excavated before the hole in the road to stop people trying to drive in.

Unfortunately this makes it even longer to walk to, and maintain, the Maxwell track . The spur road to Maxwell's already has a bridge down towards the end .

We seriously miss Forestry's maintenance of roads and tracks. Hopefully Parks will get funds to repair the roads but this does not look promising.
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Re: Winterbrook Falls access

Postby 3rd weekender » Wed 11 Mar, 2015 7:00 am

this little area has had a bit of interest on this forum billshep. As i understand it depends which part of the state you live and walk as to the funding and interest. I live in this municipal area and know local gov"t have no need to fix these problems. i have put a fair bit time in cleering the track and did look at fixing the first hole on the maxwell spur but there are issus there too. Recently a walking mate and i went for a drive to check out meander falls,smoko creek and then various tracks in the area and there has been repair work done ie smoko creek big hole in road repaired, western creek bridge rebuilt you can at least access meander falls/split rock tracks via alternative route in the area they in the area talked of rebuilding the two bridges down into that area. i won't say any more at this point. Maybe a private message to discuss this further. I have the time now to spend on this but not the health to do the physical work.
3rd weekender
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Re: Winterbrook Falls access

Postby tastrax » Wed 11 Mar, 2015 12:02 pm

billshep wrote: We seriously miss Forestry's maintenance of roads and tracks. Hopefully Parks will get funds to repair the roads but this does not look promising.

Highly unlikely - they often get more land but it usually comes with little or no funds and nearly always with less funds than the previous managers had access to - lobby your local member if you want Parks better funded and ensure that its targetted funding (ie track maintenance or road maintenance).
Cheers - Phil

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Re: Winterbrook Falls access

Postby billshep » Tue 12 May, 2015 5:08 pm

Latest update on Winterbrook tracks. The deep hole in the road at the quarry has a good safety barrier, don't know which authority did it but a neat job.
We have done a lot of work on the bauera jungle and drainage on the Maxwell track and today fixed the blocked drains and fallen logs on the Tramway track.
I don't rely on lobbying politicians for track maintenance, I just do it!
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Re: Winterbrook Falls access

Postby greyim » Wed 13 May, 2015 7:39 am

Top job Mr Shep & friends must have been wild weather too
Nothing beats a nice camp fire
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Re: Winterbrook Falls access

Postby billshep » Sat 16 May, 2015 5:44 pm

Thanks greyim - good to know we are appreciated! Yes it was very cold and wet the last couple of times I was in there. Hopefully the tracks will be a bit better for a while.
cheers, Bill
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Re: Winterbrook Falls access

Postby gibbo82 » Thu 03 Sep, 2015 9:03 pm

Walked Winterbrook on Monday, track was in great condition, And credit and thanks must go out to the pink tape markers and the people/person responsible
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Re: Winterbrook Falls access

Postby howhardcanitbe » Sat 20 Feb, 2016 9:33 am

Access to Black Bluff, Winterbrook Falls, Maxwells Track and the Tramway Track currently starts at the quarry at 417000 5411250 on the Loongana map as there is a large hole in the road just beyond this. This adds about 1km to the Tramway Track and several kilometres to Maxwells Track. The Tramway track is well signed and took about 2 hours to Winterbrook Falls and another 2 hours to Black Bluff via the Eye of the Needle.
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Re: Winterbrook Falls access

Postby tasadam » Tue 08 Mar, 2016 9:03 pm

I heard a rumour the hole was fixed, anyone know if it's true?
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Re: Winterbrook Falls access

Postby CasualNerd » Tue 12 Apr, 2016 11:17 pm

Road is definitely still closed today 12 / 04 / 2016. They did a good job making a massive hole in front of the hole.

winterbrook falls access.jpg
winterbrook falls access.jpg (259.48 KiB) Viewed 32107 times

winterbrook falls times.jpg
winterbrook falls times.jpg (158.91 KiB) Viewed 32107 times
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Re: Winterbrook coulda woulda shoulda

Postby greyim » Fri 15 Apr, 2016 7:39 am

Alas, same machine couldve wacked a pipe in (had one been available...
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Re: Winterbrook Falls access

Postby Caedo12 » Sat 11 Jun, 2016 6:09 pm

Just wondering if anyone knows how far up the Smiths Plains Road it is now possible to drive after the floods, and if it is possible to walk to the start of the track?
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Re: Winterbrook Falls access

Postby Caedo12 » Mon 11 Jul, 2016 12:39 pm

Made it in to Winterbrook Falls last week. The road was fine getting in, and the hole in the road was only a ten minute walk from the trailhead. The track was pretty wet in places and not in the greatest condition, but the falls were spectacular.
Winterbrook Falls from the lookout
At the base of Winterbrook Falls. Taken on a crappy waterproof camera as it was too misty to get out the good one
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Re: Winterbrook Falls access

Postby waterfallman » Thu 08 Sep, 2016 5:28 pm

You're right Greyim.. I've been watching this debacle for a few years (!!!) now, and my hat goes off to billshep and the other tireless heroes busting their guts to keep this track open. Bravo boys! My background was in Civil engineering, and you are right. A tray truck, crane equipped, and a spare 900 diam r.c. pipe. No finessing, just drop it in.. A front end loader to spoon in loose fill and rocks on the sides, and compact it in the process, and then about 300 sandbags packed in around it. Similar to the Smoko Rd fix. Heck.. if the authorities put out a call for assistance, heaps of helpers from this forum would turn up I'm sure! I mean, it's not that hard. Seriously. Shame shame shame authorities for not doing what you really could do! Is it so embarrassing to ask for the help of willing citizens? Yes, you can put up roadblocks about insurance and occ-health & safety etc, but damnit.. that's not helping anyone. We don't need "leaders" like this! Sigh.. I must be getting old. I came from the can do generation.. born in 1954. show initiative. Make an effort etc. What we have now is just mind numbing inactivity. Anyone else feel the same way? Rant over.
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Re: Winterbrook Falls access

Postby Caedo12 » Fri 09 Sep, 2016 9:57 am

Honestly though I don't think there's much point bothering with the road at all. There's a good spot to park cars in an old quarry, and it isn't really much of a walk to the trailhead. I'd reckon if you can manage a 4 hour walk you could manage 10 minutes walking on an old road. There are plenty of other damaged roads (Mersey Forest Road etc) that really need work. Spending time and money here seems a bit pointless to me, even if it is an easy job in theory.
I certainly agree with your point about inactivity though Waterfallman. It seems no-one gets anything done because all the authorities and politicians seem to do is argue with each other, and eventually not get anything done.
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Re: Winterbrook Falls access

Postby Graham17 » Mon 20 Nov, 2017 6:10 am

Nice walk around yesterday,,, couple of pics...
camellia wbrk.jpg
Camellia Glen
maxwell 19nov17.jpg
Feisty tiger on Maxwells
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Re: Winterbrook Falls access

Postby Maraea48 » Sun 31 Dec, 2017 9:50 pm

Caedo12 wrote:Honestly though I don't think there's much point bothering with the road at all. There's a good spot to park cars in an old quarry, and it isn't really much of a walk to the trailhead. I'd reckon if you can manage a 4 hour walk you could manage 10 minutes walking on an old road. There are plenty of other damaged roads (Mersey Forest Road etc) that really need work. Spending time and money here seems a bit pointless to me, even if it is an easy job in theory.
I certainly agree with your point about inactivity though Waterfallman. It seems no-one gets anything done because all the authorities and politicians seem to do is argue with each other, and eventually not get anything done.

Totally agree with you Caedo12, besides that fixing the hole in the road is not a five-minute job. What we are talking about is actually a log bridge across a creek with the centre bearer having collapsed the other bearers may do the same some time into the future. Besides that, there is no money in maintaining and repairing logging roads for the sake of bushwalkers. That bridge will be repaired when that area is ready for logging again, enjoy it while you can!
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Re: Winterbrook Falls access

Postby billshep » Fri 12 Jan, 2018 11:44 am

The only problem with the road closure at Winterbrook is the more substantial walk to the Maxwell Track. I have done it many times carrying heavy tools so its not too ardous.The spur road in there has got worse over the years and the log footbridge over the Winterbrook may not last. The river is usually fordable.
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Re: Winterbrook Falls access

Postby Graham17 » Sun 31 Mar, 2024 3:31 pm

STT has reinstated the road can drive into old carpark now and across to Maxwell track
Looking west
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Re: Winterbrook Falls access

Postby Graham17 » Sun 19 Jan, 2025 3:50 pm

Err since then, boom gate now ..
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Re: Winterbrook Falls access

Postby gatesy » Thu 23 Jan, 2025 8:50 am

That must be very recent! Went there in approx early December last year and no boom gate!
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Re: Winterbrook Falls access

Postby L_Cham_67 » Sun 26 Jan, 2025 3:55 pm

Someone I know went there yesterday.
You can still drive to the Tramway Track, but the boom gate restricts access to the Maxwells Track.
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