Hydro Hut

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Hydro Hut

Postby Miyata610 » Fri 09 May, 2014 11:15 am

We just completed a quick trip in to Hydro Hut.....

The weather was kind, although we had a few snow flurries climbing up the chains to Marion's from Dove Lake and the winds as we came up on to the plateau made it difficult to stand. It did improve.

Getting to the hut from the OT is quite straightforward, and it has been discussed in another thread. Since it is off track there are any number of paths that could be taken. We chose a direct route passing just south of Lake Agnew. Yes, the outlet was running quite high.

Another walker arrived after we had been there an hour or so, he came in from Windermere. he described his route as "stepping off the helipad at Windermere and walking".

He followed us out the next day, a little under two and a half hours to get back to the OT. Then to the lodge in time for a very late lunch (too early to call it dinner).

A couple of pics as we passed Cradle.....


From the ridge line not far from the hut. An un-named lake butts up to the cliff. View shows Oakleigh through to Pelion West.


Literally from the front of the hut... a couple of shots facing north to Cradle, and one south to Oakleigh et al.

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Re: Hydro Hut

Postby skog » Fri 09 May, 2014 11:25 am

I love Tas at this time of year. Sounds like a blast :)
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Re: Hydro Hut

Postby ofuros » Fri 09 May, 2014 2:21 pm

Lovely area, your pics capture it well, Miyata610. 8)
Mountain views are good for my soul...& getting to them is good for my waistline !
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Re: Hydro Hut

Postby icefest » Fri 09 May, 2014 2:38 pm

Was there a logbook at the hut? If so, how common are visitors?
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Re: Hydro Hut

Postby gayet » Fri 09 May, 2014 3:02 pm

Got to get there before I leave!

Great images.

Thank you!
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Re: Hydro Hut

Postby Tortoise » Fri 09 May, 2014 3:22 pm

Stunning shots! Thanks for posting. :D
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Re: Hydro Hut

Postby Miyata610 » Fri 09 May, 2014 3:42 pm

icefest wrote:Was there a logbook at the hut? If so, how common are visitors?

Yes there is a logbook.

It dates back to 2004.

The first entry is by Eddie writing about possible removal of the hut. (He's the chief honcho OT ranger dude)

There are only a few pages, it looks like 10 to 20 per year visitors.
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Re: Hydro Hut

Postby DaveNoble » Fri 09 May, 2014 5:35 pm

Nice photos!

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Re: Hydro Hut

Postby north-north-west » Fri 09 May, 2014 5:48 pm

Some wonderful shots there. Particularly like the ones of Cradle under snow - enough white stuff to be interesting without covering the detail of the rocks.
If only we could get some of that weather down here for a change . . ..
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Re: Hydro Hut

Postby geoskid » Fri 09 May, 2014 8:12 pm

Miyata610 wrote:
icefest wrote:Was there a logbook at the hut? If so, how common are visitors?

Yes there is a logbook.

It dates back to 2004.

The first entry is by Eddie writing about possible removal of the hut. (He's the chief honcho OT ranger dude)

There are only a few pages, it looks like 10 to 20 per year visitors.

Yeah , good on ya Miyata, love the photos.
I've have wanted to get in there for a few years, but , you know, other stuff happens.
It's really a worry that the powers that be might remove it. Why would they? It's out of the way - glad it's got a log book to record visitors.
If I understand correctly, there is a bit of history to wander around / fossick for. Is'nt this where the old zig -zag track used to come up from?
10 -20 visitors per year is quite a few - does that count numbers in the group, or is that the number of unique groups only?
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Re: Hydro Hut

Postby Miyata610 » Sun 11 May, 2014 4:33 pm

geoskid wrote:....
If I understand correctly, there is a bit of history to wander around / fossick for. Is'nt this where the old zig -zag track used to come up from?
10 -20 visitors per year is quite a few - does that count numbers in the group, or is that the number of unique groups only?

Isn't the Zig Zag the track that goes from the wolfram mine in the valley up to Pelion Plain? Although that may just be called the Forth Valley Track.

I believe there is a track from the mine up to near Hydro Hut, called the Razorback track, but maybe that is the Zig Zag.

Someone else may be able to clarify the names.

The 10 to 20 is the total number of visitors, not groups.
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Re: Hydro Hut

Postby geoskid » Sun 11 May, 2014 9:22 pm

Miyata610 wrote:
geoskid wrote:....
If I understand correctly, there is a bit of history to wander around / fossick for. Is'nt this where the old zig -zag track used to come up from?
10 -20 visitors per year is quite a few - does that count numbers in the group, or is that the number of unique groups only?

Isn't the Zig Zag the track that goes from the wolfram mine in the valley up to Pelion Plain? Although that may just be called the Forth Valley Track.

I believe there is a track from the mine up to near Hydro Hut, called the Razorback track, but maybe that is the Zig Zag.

Someone else may be able to clarify the names.

The 10 to 20 is the total number of visitors, not groups.


Miyata, I have no doubt your info is better than mine.
For some reason, and I just did a search and could'nt find anything, I had it in my head that there was a track coming up from the Forth River valley to somewhere near the Hydro Hut called the Zig Zag Track.
The other one you talk of - continuing on from the Wolfram Mine towards Pelion - I don't know what it is called. But for some reason, contrary to advise otherwise, it is high on my "to do list" (yeah, I know - go figure -it just is ? :? )
I welcome any clarification on any of this.
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Re: Hydro Hut

Postby corvus » Mon 12 May, 2014 5:48 pm

geoskid wrote:
Miyata610 wrote:
geoskid wrote:....
If I understand correctly, there is a bit of history to wander around / fossick for. Is'nt this where the old zig -zag track used to come up from?
10 -20 visitors per year is quite a few - does that count numbers in the group, or is that the number of unique groups only?

Isn't the Zig Zag the track that goes from the wolfram mine in the valley up to Pelion Plain? Although that may just be called the Forth Valley Track.

I believe there is a track from the mine up to near Hydro Hut, called the Razorback track, but maybe that is the Zig Zag.

Someone else may be able to clarify the names.

The 10 to 20 is the total number of visitors, not groups.


Miyata, I have no doubt your info is better than mine.
For some reason, and I just did a search and could'nt find anything, I had it in my head that there was a track coming up from the Forth River valley to somewhere near the Hydro Hut called the Zig Zag Track.
The other one you talk of - continuing on from the Wolfram Mine towards Pelion - I don't know what it is called. But for some reason, contrary to advise otherwise, it is high on my "to do list" (yeah, I know - go figure -it just is ? :? )
I welcome any clarification on any of this.

Razorback and Zig Zag both start at the same place one ZZ to Old Pelion Hut and the other closer to the Hydro Hut.
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Re: Hydro Hut

Postby corvus » Mon 12 May, 2014 5:53 pm

Nic Hagarth mentions both in his excellent "A View To Cradle "book
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Re: Hydro Hut

Postby skog » Mon 12 May, 2014 8:30 pm

Any ideas on where to buy the book as I can't find it online?
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Re: Hydro Hut

Postby corvus » Mon 12 May, 2014 8:41 pm

Sorry ,
Try Haygarth.
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Re: Hydro Hut

Postby corvus » Mon 12 May, 2014 9:45 pm

Also try in your search for Hydrographers Hut as that it was :)
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Re: Hydro Hut

Postby skog » Mon 12 May, 2014 10:11 pm

I haven't found the book yet, but a number of links :)
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Re: Hydro Hut

Postby Nuts » Mon 12 May, 2014 10:18 pm

Well out of print. Try online, booksellers, ebay etc.
The zig zag track would be fun, a good thigh workout scrambling over all the logs.. and that was probably 15yrs ago..
The reference came from an early survey map iv'e seen it mentioned here before, I seem to remember seeing it recently.. hmmm,, maybe I downloaded it.. anyhow, i'll check, do know someone who worked at the mine and would likely have some idea, if you really want to know (Geoskid) the track's probably not easy to find, unless it's still obvious.. (in which case it would be easily found :wink:) Go to the edge and launch into the scrub, it's not far..
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Re: Hydro Hut

Postby geoskid » Tue 13 May, 2014 10:50 am

Nuts wrote: Go to the edge and launch into the scrub, it's not far..

:lol: Yep , that will probably be the method - just go and have a look. I've got my eldest boy keen. First step is to see if we can get to Wolfram on the m/bike with O/night gear.
I'll let you know how we get on when we go. :)
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Re: Hydro Hut

Postby Miyata610 » Tue 13 May, 2014 1:16 pm

If we're talking about the zig zag (to Pelion), I have a little more info...

A friend got through to the mine on his mtb, and then tried to follow the zig zag, but gave up. This was last year I believe. Another aquaintance claims that the zig zag has been taped, but I have no more details as to when that might have been.

As to the Razorback track..... there is some mention of it in the Hydro Hut logbook... someone did it or tried to do it, but I don't remember the details, sorry.

You might need to visit the hut to read that entry :)
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Re: Hydro Hut

Postby Miyata610 » Tue 13 May, 2014 1:35 pm

Still more info, although you probably know it already....

Below is an extract from the relevant tasmap 25k. It shows the route of the zig zag track quite clearly, but labels it "Forth Valley Track".

This is a fairly old map edition, from Memory-Map.

zigzag.jpg (43.1 KiB) Viewed 45289 times

Edit.... hmmmm, possibly too small to read, oh well, I tried.
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Re: Hydro Hut

Postby corvus » Tue 13 May, 2014 6:01 pm

Nic Haygarth book available through LINC Tas
http://catalogue.statelibrary.tas.gov.a ... &id=140434
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Re: Hydro Hut

Postby DrDave » Sun 22 Jun, 2014 6:57 pm

The Forth Valley Track from the Wolfram Mine is taped but there are quite a few tricky bits as the ppl taping it put a lot of tape on very small branches.
Might be worth taking some tape to make life easier on the way out!
The road into the mine has had quite a bit of work and its fairly easy to get 4wd vehicles with trailers into the start of the WHA and even a bit further.Past that point its fairly fun on a bike or quad Search Patons road tasmania for a good description by mountain bikers.
The track is pretty easy to find.It starts on the far side of the pile of sand which covers who knows what mining mess and passes for mine rehab in Tasmania.
Its a great way of getting into Cradle fast.
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Re: Hydro Hut

Postby kanangra » Mon 23 Jun, 2014 12:04 pm

I walked it for quite a way from the Old Pelion hut end a few years ago and found it quite easy to follow.

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Re: Hydro Hut

Postby Broomhall » Sun 17 Aug, 2014 8:30 am

Hi, this discussion caught my eye and I thought that I'd put some of the information that I've collected over the years onto my webpage. http://molecreektrack.com/barnblufftrack.

The Hydro Hut is a great location. But the Razorback Track is historical interest only, it has been overgrown for decades.

It really is worth finding Nic's book, a great read and so much history.


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Re: Hydro Hut

Postby Nuts » Mon 18 Aug, 2014 11:14 am

Hi EG/ Broomhall, great project you have there, be really interesting what you gather for the other tracks.
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Re: Hydro Hut

Postby geoskid » Mon 18 Aug, 2014 7:50 pm

Nuts wrote:Hi EG/ Broomhall, great project you have there, be really interesting what you gather for the other tracks.
30- £1200 :shock:

Yeah, I remember EG. Thanks for your Input EG - checked out your site quickly this morning before work.
A Big Thank You from me for making the effort to share the results of your efforts.

You have moved??.

Take Care, me
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Re: Hydro Hut

Postby Broomhall » Tue 19 Aug, 2014 8:56 am

Thanks for the kind words. I'll put up more of the stuff that I have tucked away soon. I've moved twice chasing work but I'm returning to what is important, the Tassie bush. Peter
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Re: Hydro Hut

Postby walkabout » Tue 19 Aug, 2014 9:23 am

Thanks for the link to your webpage, it's very interesting. I have been living near Mole Creek for 4 years now (ex WA) and am always badgering the neighbours for bits of history info. I will refer back to your site regularly. :)
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