Nicholls Falls, Snug Tiers

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Nicholls Falls, Snug Tiers

Postby Caedo12 » Thu 07 Sep, 2017 12:01 pm

I went on a bit of an adventure to Nicholls Falls a couple of weeks ago so I figured I may as well post about the hike on here given there isn't a great deal of other information online about this waterfall.

The falls are situated on the upper reaches of Nicholls Rivulet, and I figured I'd just head up Van Moreys Road and then follow the tracks around until I reached Nicholls Rivulet. This was easy enough, although there didn't appear to be an obvious route forward once I got to the rivulet itself. I pretty much just tried to bushwhack my way downstream, hoping that the scrub would clear up soon enough. It didn't, so I had to attempt to whack my way through incredibly thick undergrowth, consisting mostly of cutting grass. My decision to wear shorts today wasn't looking all that wise at this point!

I eventually managed to work my way downstream (the scrub was a little better on the western side of the creek, but not much) and hit the top of the falls after spending about 50 minutes hiking the roughly 700 metres in distance to the waterfall. There wasn't an obvious route forward from the top; the rocks were very slippery and it looked like a pretty sizeable drop. I ended up heading downstream a little ways on the western side of the falls, and made it down to the base without too much of a problem -although it was very steep in places. The view from the base was actually a little disappointing, as the main plunge was mostly out of view and the foreground consisted of a fairly uninteresting cascade winding through the rocks.

I had noticed that the creek actually split at the top of the falls, so I decided to head over to the other side of the creek to check out the rest of the falls. As it turned out this section wasn't all that spectacular, as the eastern side of the creek bypassed the main cliff entirely to head over some smaller cascades instead. I did notice that there appeared to be a way to climb up onto a bench of sorts here, which I hoped would lead to the base of the base of the main part of the waterfall.

It was a bit of an awkward scramble, but I made it to the base of the impressive main section of Nicholls Falls, which plunged about 15 metres. Photography was difficult, as I had to perch myself right at the top of the cascades I'd been below earlier to fit the whole waterfall into one frame, but I was happy enough with how the photos turned out.

It's a great hike if you're a keen waterfall bagger or looking for a tough day out, but otherwise I'd say it's probably worth just sticking to the numerous more accessible falls around the Snug Tiers.

A video I put together from the hike:
The main section of Nicholls Falls
The eastern section of the falls
The view from right at the base (terrible quality as it's a screenshot from a video)
The steep scramble down to the falls
Looking over the lower cascades of the falls
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Re: Nicholls Falls, Snug Tiers

Postby ofuros » Sat 09 Sep, 2017 4:38 pm

Nice one caedo, they all can't be super speccy cascades. Looks worth the effort to me. 8)
Mountain views are good for my soul...& getting to them is good for my waistline !
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