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Bogong West Peak water

PostPosted: Thu 01 Aug, 2019 7:29 pm
by msrlo
Hi all
A few of us are planning a walk up Quartz Ridge and camp somewhere around West peak in early January, just wondering if we need to carry our water up or would there be reliable water somewhere around West peak?

Re: Bogong West Peak water

PostPosted: Fri 02 Aug, 2019 7:16 am
by Xplora
I have not heard of any reliable water around West Peak and to be honest I have not really had the need to go looking for any. There is talk of a spring below the summit but it has always been dry when I was there in summer. Interesting question and maybe others will have more information but my suspicion is no to a reliable water source.

Re: Bogong West Peak water

PostPosted: Fri 02 Aug, 2019 7:19 am
by Lophophaps
There are a few nice slightly exposed campsites at or just below the treeline. There may be water further up, probably just north of Quartz Knob. There's exposed campsites in a gully here. Further up you may get water from the west side of Hooker Plateau at Stirling Gap, creeks going north and south. If there is little precipitation these creeks could all be dry. There's a soak just north of the summit of Bogong, and this may also be dry. In the weeks before you go I'd watch the weather and seek advice here for more current information.

Re: Bogong West Peak water

PostPosted: Tue 06 Aug, 2019 2:05 pm
by Orbita_Serenitatem
Start of April 2018 I found water at the top of Bogong Creek. From memory it was a dry summer, but a local said that they'd received 40mm a few weeks before. I had carried my water up The Staircase for the night /next day thinking that Big River would be my next drink so was very happy when I found this little stream, as Lophophaps said "west side of Hooker Plateau at Stirling Gap", but as for reliable, that I could not answer.

Screen Shot 2019-08-06 at 9.27.26 am.png

Looking SSE towards Quartz Ridge

Re: Bogong West Peak water

PostPosted: Tue 06 Aug, 2019 6:39 pm
by msrlo
Might have to carry some up just to be sure, little bit extra weight thanks

Re: Bogong West Peak water

PostPosted: Wed 07 Aug, 2019 7:51 am
by Lophophaps
The creek in the picture has a good broad catchment, and traversing in from Quartz Ridge to hit the gully as low as possible may lead to finding water. It's uncertain whatever way you come up. Big River and near the foot of Staircase are the only places with certain water. Bivouac Hut, the Summit Hut soak and even Cleve Cole may not have water.

Re: Bogong West Peak water

PostPosted: Wed 07 Aug, 2019 6:34 pm
by msrlo
There's water at the bottom of quartz before you go up but pretty confident we'll find water in early Jan up top. The creek below Cleve Cole is always a good source but out of the way as we will be going down the staircase.

Re: Bogong West Peak water

PostPosted: Thu 08 Aug, 2019 8:50 am
by Xplora
You may find water but is that something you really need to hold out for? Plenty of reliable water at Bogong Creek saddle and if your intention is to camp on top instead of camping there then 3 litres will see you to Mountain creek. Set up dinner so you use little or no water. Water will still be flowing inside Cleve Cole hut in January but I also would not bother going there to get it. You would have been most of the way down the Staricase by the time you got back to the turnoff.

Re: Bogong West Peak water

PostPosted: Mon 18 Dec, 2023 8:08 am
by Drew
I'm thinking of a Bogong circuit after Xmas, with a night at Stirling Gap or nearby if conditions are good, so I'm wondering about this water source. Falls had an extremely wet October, pretty wet November, but no real rain since early December. Any thoughts on likelihood of finding water if there's no decent rain in the next week or so? I suppose without rain I'd just fill up at Bogong Creek Saddle to be safe.

Re: Bogong West Peak water

PostPosted: Mon 18 Dec, 2023 8:47 am
by Lophophaps
Xplorer is right: Cleve Cole Hut is too far to get water if the party is going down Staircase that day. Summit to Cleve Cole is the same distance as below Bivouac Hut. Add 200 metres of climbing from Cleve Cole to the turnoff and it would be a lot faster to go straight down Staircase. There may be water at Bivouac Hut. In recent years the Summit Hut soak has been pretty dry except after a lot of rain.

There's water next to the start of the Quartz Ridge Track where it leaves Big River Fire Track. There should be water a little way SE of Stirling Gap. Stirling Gap has some shelter from West Peak and Hooker Plateau. If you camp a bit below the saddle on the SE side of Stirling Gap it should be okay. There are exposed campsites near the summit of Bogong - nice in fine weather, quite bad if it blows.

Re: Bogong West Peak water

PostPosted: Mon 18 Dec, 2023 8:49 am
by Baeng72
Lophophaps wrote:There's water next to the start of the Quartz Ridge Track where it leaves Big River Fire Track.

Nice stream flowing there a month ago.

Re: Bogong West Peak water

PostPosted: Mon 18 Dec, 2023 3:14 pm
by Drew
Thanks Lophophaps and Baeng72. Yes, I'm aware of reliable water at the bottom of the climb, just hoping someone can confidently tell me I'll find water at the top. I'll play it safe unless there's a dump of rain or a very recent report of water there.

Good to know that there's some shelter at Stirling Gap though!

Re: Bogong West Peak water

PostPosted: Mon 18 Dec, 2023 5:13 pm
by Xplora
Drew wrote:I'm thinking of a Bogong circuit after Xmas, with a night at Stirling Gap or nearby if conditions are good, so I'm wondering about this water source. Falls had an extremely wet October, pretty wet November, but no real rain since early December. Any thoughts on likelihood of finding water if there's no decent rain in the next week or so? I suppose without rain I'd just fill up at Bogong Creek Saddle to be safe.

I am sure there will be water at the headwaters of Bogong Creek which is not far off track BUT, personally I would not see the need to go off track to fill up if you are travelling to Bogong Crk saddle or from it. It is only a couple of hours (plus a bit to stop for photos and catch your breath) between the saddle and the summit and maybe an hour from the mentioned water source to Bogong Creek saddle. Anyone can survive an hour or two without water. It is a nice diversion though.

Re: Bogong West Peak water

PostPosted: Fri 22 Dec, 2023 12:03 pm
by paidal_chalne_vala
Bogong Creek falls were flowing when I was up there on the Quartz Knob this week.I could see the water flowing off the plateau.
We found water at Biv. hut tank and at The Michell Hut tank. Water was flowing well in the creek at Cairn Creek hut. We camped one night at each of those places , respectively this week .

Re: Bogong West Peak water

PostPosted: Sat 23 Dec, 2023 9:51 am
by Drew
paidal_chalne_vala wrote:Bogong Creek falls were flowing when I was up there on the Quartz Knob this week.I could see the water flowing off the plateau.
We found water at Biv. hut tank and at The Michell Hut tank. Water was flowing well in the creek at Cairn Creek hut. We camped one night at each of those places this week .

Thanks PCV. Good to know. Looks like more rain on the way too so likely to keep flowing for a while longer.