Multi day: Mt Beauty / Mt Bogong options

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Multi day: Mt Beauty / Mt Bogong options

Postby ErichFromm » Mon 07 May, 2018 11:41 am

So I'm being forced to take some leave next week (too much AL accumulated) and planning to take advantage and do a multi-day walk.

I considered the Viking Circuit but decided I didn't want the hike to be an ordeal (my fitness is not quite what it should be and I don't mind being tired if I know where I'm going, or needing to find my way when I've got some energy - but not keen on being both tired and lost at the same time!).

Instead I'm thinking of something up Mt Bogong way. Last time I did the walk up from Camp Creek and stayed at Cole Hut - but not keen on killing my legs like that again. I saw a blog of someone who parked at Mt Beauty and did a large loop. Anyone got suggestions or details for anything like that? I'm talking 3/4 nights and again don't mind longer distances or a bit of effort as long as I'm not bush bashing...
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Re: Multi day: Mt Beauty / Mt Bogong options

Postby Lophophaps » Mon 07 May, 2018 1:27 pm

It would be easier on the legs to start high. There's any number of walks starting at Heathy Spur, Watchbed Creek, Cope Hut carpark, and the Mount Cope turnoff. You could leave the car at Bogong Village and hitch a lift to Falls Creek or the high plains, with a walk ending over Jaithmathang and Fainters.

If leaving the car at over about 1400 metres make sure that it will manage sub-zero temperatures. Parking facing downhill is a good idea as well, preferably in a spot that catches the sun from about noon.
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Re: Multi day: Mt Beauty / Mt Bogong options

Postby ErichFromm » Mon 07 May, 2018 3:16 pm

Thanks - will check those spots out. And yes, was hoping to start somewhere high. I've a diesel car so will need to get some alpine fuel to avoid it freezing.
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Re: Multi day: Mt Beauty / Mt Bogong options

Postby Xplora » Tue 08 May, 2018 7:10 am

Mt. Beauty are expecting their Alpine diesel in the next shipment but it will not be full strength. Perhaps some Lucas additive but it needs to go in before you park and fill up as empty as you can to ensure less dilution. Weather has changed now. Snow forecast for Thurs and Friday of this week and next week is not certain. There has been some low cloud which caused considerable problem last weekend on Bogong with 9 people missing the Eskdale spur after heading up to Mt Bogong summit. A couple of day walkers were on their way to the Long Spur when turned around near Camp Valley. They ended up spending the night at CC and were well looked after. A few internationals also ended up heading toward CC plus a large group of self sufficient walkers who expected CC to be Michell. The point is to be mindful of the weather this time of year and expect it to be ordinary at least one or two days. Walking in an area you are not familiar with in bad weather can even catch out the well prepared.

If your legs are not looking for hills then a Heathy Spur start, perhaps to Fitzgeralds Hut (easy day one for a later start) then straight down the hill (south - just follow the fall line or gully) and pick up the aqueduct to Langfords Gap then to Cope which ever way you prefer. That could be a good night 2 then out to Youngs (SEC) hut for another night or as Lops has suggested. There are opportunities for side trips from Tawonga huts and that could be a night 3. A diversion to the Basalt Temple on the way back from Youngs will not take long and is worth it but drop your pack at the top of the hill.
If you go to Fitz's hut and have a sewing tape measure that you could take, there is a broken window but we need an accurate measurement to get the glass cut. Hoping to have it sorted before winter but have not had the time to get there. PV may get a crew there in the next couple of weeks but they have been busy with controlled burns.
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Re: Multi day: Mt Beauty / Mt Bogong options

Postby Lophophaps » Tue 08 May, 2018 12:09 pm

Xplora has a good walk, not hard, easy to navigate in poor conditions, and huts to hide in for most nights.

The snow could provide interest. For the next six weeks or so it should be possible to walk on the high plains but the risk of deep drifts and blizzards increases each week. Having the last day fairly short may assist, such as camping on Heathy Spur about a kilometre from the road with the car parked at Falls Creek if the weather forecast looks bleak. Or stop for the night at Pretty Valley, with a good 4WD track to Falls Creek the next day, albeit quite exposed and confusing on Ruined Castle. Just keep heading eastish and up until it becomes down.

If measuring there's a builder's maxim that may be useful - measure twice, cut once. Make sure that you measure from the edge of where the glass will fit, not the filler. Maybe take a picture.
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Re: Multi day: Mt Beauty / Mt Bogong options

Postby ErichFromm » Tue 08 May, 2018 1:00 pm

Thanks for the advice. Weather sounds more extreme than what I looked up. Short of snow shoes I do have the right gear to handle most situations so should be fine.

I'll remember to bring a tape measure and measure three times... :) I'm assuming there are no road closures to be concerned about this early in the season...

Just got a fresh map (old one all torn up) for Bogong High Plains - will go over it tonight and assess the options you've given me above.

Thanks again
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Re: Multi day: Mt Beauty / Mt Bogong options

Postby paidal_chalne_vala » Tue 08 May, 2018 2:55 pm

You won't need to carry snow shoes until the ski season opens. Snow shoes are for DEEP snow. You won't need micro spikes because they are for icy terrain but carrying them never hurt during the shoulder period approaching the Ski season.
Just keep an eye on the forecast. Pick a weather window that looks clear and safe. I went up to Mt. FT's summit at dawn and camped at Federation hut in early June last year and it was fine , but the forecast looked like it was going to turn into horse poo. So I went back down the Bungalow spur rather than be caught out on the Razorback and the top of the Bon Accord Spur. I am looking at a mission up Champion Spur before the end of May but the weather must be settled for me to do it as lightweight day trip with a descent down the Bungalow spur.
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Re: Multi day: Mt Beauty / Mt Bogong options

Postby Xplora » Tue 08 May, 2018 4:23 pm

The road may close for a short time but any snow will melt quick and be gone before you head out. We are keeping an eye on the weather also for a BHP trip but not toward Fitz's hut so it would be much appreciated if you do get a measurement. We are more fortunate in that we can pick our weather window but I am sure you will find 3 days of good weather some time next week but if not I will blame it all on you for taking leave.
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Re: Multi day: Mt Beauty / Mt Bogong options

Postby Lophophaps » Tue 08 May, 2018 4:52 pm

Xplora wrote:We are more fortunate in that we can pick our weather window but I am sure you will find 3 days of good weather some time next week but if not I will blame it all on you for taking leave.

Do you mean taking leave of his senses? Surely not.

The only roads that will be clsoed - probably - are those that are usually closed, such as Watchbed Creek, Langfords Gap, Wallaces car park, Cope Hut car park, Pretty Valley, and a number of other roads. If there's a major dump of snow it the High PLains Road may be closed at Falls Creek, but this is unlikely as there will be people going north from the high plains. Snowfalls will be small for the next month. One issue with walking in snow in May and June is that it may not be possible to see what you are walking on, which could be a hole. The tracks and open plains should be okay.
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Re: Multi day: Mt Beauty / Mt Bogong options

Postby Xplora » Wed 09 May, 2018 6:02 am

The system coming tomorrow has been upgraded. BHP road will most likely close and from experience of previous years, it may close from Mt. Beauty to Falls Creek for a short time as they have not got their snow clearing crews sorted for winter yet. Early dumps seem to catch them off guard but it should only be for a day. Once the weather is clear enough for any walking the roads should be well and truly open but there may be some snow still about. Not enough to cause any concern but it all depends on how much rain is in the system. We got caught out one May with a big dump and had to sit it out for a day in Gantner hut before heading over the Crosscut. Half a metre of snow one day and after the rain the next day nothing. I am thinking seriously about dusting off the skis for a bit of fun and brushing off my own cobwebs before the main event. Ever the optimist.
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Re: Multi day: Mt Beauty / Mt Bogong options

Postby ErichFromm » Wed 09 May, 2018 7:09 am

I guess it's just a case of Australia's variable weather, but i swear each time i even consider a hike some natural disaster starts rolling in. A few months bag it was flood risks that killed my viking circuit walk (though turned out to be nothing).

It's going to be interesting. I wanted to test out my new rain gear (wind shirt plus army poncho) so this may be a good opportunity.
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Re: Multi day: Mt Beauty / Mt Bogong options

Postby stry » Thu 10 May, 2018 7:40 pm

ErichFromm wrote:Thanks - will check those spots out. And yes, was hoping to start somewhere high. I've a diesel car so will need to get some alpine fuel to avoid it freezing.

Or simply pick up some Torque Icebreaker anti gel. Saves a lot of uncertainty. I measure out what I need for one tank, take it with me, and add it to the tank when I fill up closer to wherever I am going (usually at the 24hr on the Hume just before the Snow Road).

Buy a litre and it will last you for many, many trips. Don't buy the one tank shots at servos - they cost nearly as much as a litre.
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Re: Multi day: Mt Beauty / Mt Bogong options

Postby Xplora » Fri 11 May, 2018 6:14 am

As predicted, BHP road has closed but looks only from Falls Creek to Trapyard Gap. About 10cm of snow on the ground at home so I would expect much more on the mountain. More to come today and possibly tomorrow. Snow fell in Mt. Beauty yesterday which is 350m asl. I heard some resorts had the snow guns working so there may be an expectation of a good opener. Resorts in Vic have the capacity to vary the opening and closing dates without much notice so be aware if you intend to park in one that it has not been changed otherwise you will have to pay.
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Re: Multi day: Mt Beauty / Mt Bogong options

Postby ErichFromm » Fri 11 May, 2018 2:37 pm

Thanks so much Xplora - great being able to know what to expect. I've been monitoring weather daily but didn't see the road was out.

Weather is looking a bit better for next week so fingers crossed the road opens again. Worse scenario is I'll just do the Camp Creek to Mt Bogong entry and take it from there...though doubt I'll make it to Fitzgerald hut if this happens.
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Re: Multi day: Mt Beauty / Mt Bogong options

Postby Xplora » Sat 12 May, 2018 5:46 am

I am thinking from Monday you will have a good window for the rest of the week. Winds are easing and not much precip. I think we will be up there somewhere over the next week once they open BHP road.
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Re: Multi day: Mt Beauty / Mt Bogong options

Postby Xplora » Sun 13 May, 2018 5:35 am

The snow appears to be more troublesome and now BHP looks to be closed until Tuesday. That will not be a problem starting at Falls Creek but reports are the snow on the ground could be a problem. No rain is forecast and temps are low enough to keep the snow annoyingly soft through the day without melting much of it. Staying on the track, if you can see it, may not be too bad but expect a bit of post holing. Bogong will be more of a problem. It is a hard call whether or not to take snow shoes or go at all. For us, opening Tuesday some time will mean a Wednesday start and will make us late back. We have to be in Albury Friday. Shoulder season walking in the mountains is always a guessing game. For you Erich, I would not rule out a trip but expect some changes and maybe covering less ground if conditions are tough. The weather will still be OK and I think the trip will be memorable.

Regarding the BHP road, I would suggest the Alpine shire want it to melt naturally as it does not want to do repairs before it closes again in less than a month. Putting a blade over it will damage their already fragile repair jobs from the last couple of years. The EG shire side would be fine with a blade.
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Re: Multi day: Mt Beauty / Mt Bogong options

Postby bigkev » Sun 13 May, 2018 8:06 am

stry wrote:
ErichFromm wrote:Thanks - will check those spots out. And yes, was hoping to start somewhere high. I've a diesel car so will need to get some alpine fuel to avoid it freezing.

Or simply pick up some Torque Icebreaker anti gel. Saves a lot of uncertainty. I measure out what I need for one tank, take it with me, and add it to the tank when I fill up closer to wherever I am going (usually at the 24hr on the Hume just before the Snow Road).

Buy a litre and it will last you for many, many trips. Don't buy the one tank shots at servos - they cost nearly as much as a litre.

Sorry this is a little off topic but where can I buy some of that anti-gell stry? I've done the rounds of the usual suspects (auto barn and super cheap and they aren't stocking anything yet).

I'm in SE Melbourne.

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Re: Multi day: Mt Beauty / Mt Bogong options

Postby Xplora » Sun 13 May, 2018 1:33 pm

Kev, may need to look closer to the alpine areas. They usually have it on hand now. Bairnsdale Auto Barn is a good place. Some of the servos nearby will stock it also. I usually double dose it but there is a thread from last year on the ski forum which talks about the amount of kero you can use. It gives a ratio. That is a standard additive by the fuel companies and there was a reference from BP Australia. Sometimes the additive does not work as well as the normal winter diesel. Never buy winter mix diesel in Omeo. It is rubbish and you get caught out. Tawonga south Caltex has always been good.
I think the thread is this one but you can search if for the answer. ... st-3365201
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Re: Multi day: Mt Beauty / Mt Bogong options

Postby bigkev » Sun 13 May, 2018 3:15 pm

Cheers Xplora, I'll keep an eye out locally for some anti-gell until I find myself over at Bairnsdale. I've been caught out a couple of times over the years where the engines would start but not really rev, it can be a very big problem when it happens away from the resorts or towns. I normally try and fill up just before heading into the alpine areas but sometimes the hours I keep mean that the local servo's are closed when I pass by and I have to fill up a bit further away than I would of liked. Both times I've had a little trouble have been well out of the 'season' too. Thanks for the tip about Omeo, it's a servo I've used a few times.
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Re: Multi day: Mt Beauty / Mt Bogong options

Postby neilmny » Sun 13 May, 2018 4:01 pm

Xplora wrote:.......... Tawonga south Caltex has always been good. .......

Thanks for that Xplora
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Re: Multi day: Mt Beauty / Mt Bogong options

Postby stry » Sun 13 May, 2018 7:58 pm

bigkev wrote:
stry wrote:
ErichFromm wrote:Thanks - will check those spots out. And yes, was hoping to start somewhere high. I've a diesel car so will need to get some alpine fuel to avoid it freezing.

Or simply pick up some Torque Icebreaker anti gel. Saves a lot of uncertainty. I measure out what I need for one tank, take it with me, and add it to the tank when I fill up closer to wherever I am going (usually at the 24hr on the Hume just before the Snow Road).

Buy a litre and it will last you for many, many trips. Don't buy the one tank shots at servos - they cost nearly as much as a litre.

Sorry this is a little off topic but where can I buy some of that anti-gell stry? I've done the rounds of the usual suspects (auto barn and super cheap and they aren't stocking anything yet).

I'm in SE Melbourne.


I've had the same problem over the years. Bought the lot I now have from a lubricant place in Bayswater. West side of Dorset Rd north of Boronia shops. On a corner and in a service road IIRC. Sorry I can't remember the name, could be United Filters 361 Dorset Rd. Pretty sure they stock it all the time.
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Re: Multi day: Mt Beauty / Mt Bogong options

Postby bigkev » Sun 13 May, 2018 8:29 pm

Thanks stry, I'll try and get over there next week and have a look.
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Re: Multi day: Mt Beauty / Mt Bogong options

Postby Xplora » Mon 14 May, 2018 4:52 pm

BHP road opened today. Surprise. We ended up at Mt. Wills and did some hut cleaning. The purpose of the walk today was to see how much snow is around at the 1700m mark and it is not enough to warrant snow shoes but enough to make this a bit harder. BHP may have a bit more than Mt. Wills but it is melting. Hope Erich is still planning his trip. We now have work with PV this week on BHP so our trip is off.
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Re: Multi day: Mt Beauty / Mt Bogong options

Postby stansi » Wed 16 May, 2018 1:13 am

Re the diesel issues, I've been able to purchase this item from my local Super Cheap Auto. ... -treatment

And used it successfully through winter at Mount Hotham.
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Re: Multi day: Mt Beauty / Mt Bogong options

Postby ErichFromm » Wed 16 May, 2018 9:34 am

Just in mansfield now - took a detour to check for diesel additive (got some but $25 to treat 100l!). Going to stay at Fitzgerald hut tonight so should be able to get that measurement...
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Re: Multi day: Mt Beauty / Mt Bogong options

Postby neilmny » Wed 16 May, 2018 7:08 pm

Good on you Eric it will be beautiful out there.
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Re: Multi day: Mt Beauty / Mt Bogong options

Postby Travis22 » Wed 16 May, 2018 10:19 pm

Have a great trip Erich! Look forward to reading your report and hopefully seeing some pics!

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Re: Multi day: Mt Beauty / Mt Bogong options

Postby Xplora » Thu 17 May, 2018 1:23 pm

Erich, no doubt you would be aware now the window has been fixed and a bit more on top. It was done without PV being told and they have only just found out. Thanks for the offer to assist and it is good to know members here can work together to protect our valuable assets.
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Re: Multi day: Mt Beauty / Mt Bogong options

Postby ErichFromm » Sat 19 May, 2018 6:07 pm

You beat me xplora... yes, all fixed and looking good. Tried to upload photos but too big. I'm sure it's pretty standard but ran into the brumbies near the hut. Beautiful...
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Re: Multi day: Mt Beauty / Mt Bogong options

Postby Xplora » Sat 19 May, 2018 8:14 pm

Thanks Erich. Found out Thursday that all had been fixed. PV found out shortly before. Some fresh paint as well. Appreciate the effort regardless. We are well aware of that mob of feral horses. The stallion stole some mares last year and made for new territory. Their days on the plains are numbered. The stallion is very quiet and we have been able to get within a few metres of him but some of his new mares are a little agro. From the look of the mares they have been seeded. Not typical of BHP horses. The stallion is also very trap shy and this will become a problem. Traps are now set at the back of Nelse and near youngs hut. Hope the trip went well. From the look of things Thursday you have really nailed the weather and conditions. Snow was enough to make things look great but not enough to cause problems. And the helicopter you would have seen flying low was doing a horse count. All the horses have been recorded with their markings so individuals can actually be picked out. This will determine if new herds are forming and where they are going.
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