Hi there. I am interested in the questions you pose, but unfortunately I can't add any new information. I searched the web, the Colong Foundation website and the government's own website and did not come up with much. Here is the Premier's release: ... ventures-0While the announcement of the park is on balance good news, the 'Lost City Adventure Park' element concerningly reflects the increasingly prominent government view that reserves are not mainly about nature conservation nor quiet, self-sufficient recreation. Instead, parks are seen narrowly as economic resources which have to 'pay their way'. Recreation infrastructure impacts on the remoteness of a place as experienced by a walker, as well as nature conservation values. Accordingly, the Wollemi to Gardens of Stone walk will have new huts at the end of each day's walk. This joins a rapidly lengthening list of such walks. It will be interesting to see whether they are privatised or managed by the government. They will certainly be expensive and may well lock out independent walkers. Either way, the huts will impact on wilderness values during their construction and during their provisioning, presumably by helicopter.
I can highly recommend two excellent articles in
Wild magazine on this plague of creating 'iconic walks' with significant infrastructure in remote and natural areas.
If anyone has further details on the proposals to be funded through the $50 million package, I would be most grateful to hear them.