Submit Track Notes for any walk you have done anywhere in Australia.
Overland Track Pass (value $160!)
Thanks to Tasmanian Parks and Wildlife Service
Dates: Entries will be accepted from the 2nd of November to the 2nd of December, 2010.
How to Enter: Simply submit your track notes by filling in this linked competition entry form.
This competition is open to all members of the forums. To be eligible, submitted track notes must meet the site rules for forum postings (in particular the rules related to walks through sensitive off-track areas). All entrants will be advised of acceptance and all entries will be placed in a draw.
A single winner will be decided by a random draw on the 3rd of December 2010 (or as soon as possible thereafter). The prize must be claimed before the close of the Overland Track pass season in 2011.
All suitable entries will be used in the Wiki, as either new articles, or where suitable merged into existing articles. Entries which are included in the wiki may be edited by site moderators or by any other Wiki users.
All Wiki articles generated by this competition will be listed in this topic when complete.
Parks employees or immediate family and moderators and immediate family are not eligible to win any prize in this competition (but are still welcome to submit track notes).

Thanks to the Tasmanian Parks and Wildlife Service for this fantastic prize!