COMPETITION: Guess Date of 2,000th Member. TWO PRIZES!

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COMPETITION: Guess Date of 2,000th Member. TWO PRIZES!

Postby Son of a Beach » Tue 27 Jul, 2010 11:31 am

It's time for a new competition, so in a similar theme to some of our past competitions: Guess the date that our 2,000th member registers on the site. There are TWO prizes to be won:

1st: SIGG water bottle from Bushwalk Australia (AKA Bushwalk Tasmania)
2nd: 2 metres of Tyvek plus postage from Tasadam's bounteous roll of Tyvek, the ideal tent footprint fabric

To win, you merely need to have submitted the closest guess for the date that our 2,000th member completes their registration for the forums (next closest guess gets the next prize).

To enter this competition, simply send an email to: [email protected] including:
  • your forums name
  • the date that you think the 2,000th member will be register for the forums

Please do not include any other information in the email message. So the body of the email you send should look similar to this (except with your own forums name and your own guess):
Brass Monkey
1st July 2010

In order to help you out, here's a couple of vague figures to get you thinking:
  • The 100th member signed up on the 5th of November, 2007.
  • The 1,000th member signed up on the 26th of May, 2009

Note that this competition will remain open until the 2,000th member has registered. During that time, the total member count has been removed from the statistics section on the index page, and the member list feature of the forums has been disabled. Anyone who is found (or suspected) to be attempting to determine the current member count by illegitimate means or by means against the spirit of the competition will be disqualified.

Only one entry per person is permitted. Any subsequent entries will be ignored (only the first entry per person will be accepted).
Son of a Beach
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Re: COMPETITION: Guess Date of 2,000th Member. TWO PRIZES!

Postby Son of a Beach » Mon 09 Aug, 2010 12:22 pm

A colleague wandered into my office this morning and asked me how the bushwalking web site was going. He then asked me how many members we had now.

We often talk about such things as he also runs some web sites, but I can't help but wonder about the timing this time. ;-)

My answer was "nearly 2,000".
Son of a Beach
Lagarostrobos franklinii
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Re: COMPETITION: Guess Date of 2,000th Member. TWO PRIZES!

Postby ILUVSWTAS » Mon 09 Aug, 2010 12:50 pm

Hahaha SNEAKY!!!!
Nothing to see here.
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Re: COMPETITION: Guess Date of 2,000th Member. TWO PRIZES!

Postby tasadam » Sun 15 Aug, 2010 7:19 am

Well, the comp has been running for a little while now, and I have to be honest, I am as in the dark as anyone else as to how close we are to 2000 members. I am getting curious though.

Hey Nik, just had an idea, if someone made a guess and that date has passed by more than say a week, do you think we should let them guess again? Maybe not this comp because that's changing the rules mid-comp and therefore unfair. Might be an idea to consider for future competitions?
And of course if 2 (or more) correct guesses, first entry in wins...

I have my last 2 metre sheet of Tyvek sitting aside waiting to send to the lucky second-placed person...

OK, I confess, a meaningless post to this topic to bump it and try & grab peoples attention, so get your guesses in ok!
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Re: COMPETITION: Guess Date of 2,000th Member. TWO PRIZES!

Postby Son of a Beach » Sun 15 Aug, 2010 8:37 am

hahah - too late! The 2,000th member joined up yesterday. :-) I'd better go and find out who won now.
Son of a Beach
Lagarostrobos franklinii
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Re: COMPETITION: Guess Date of 2,000th Member. TWO PRIZES!

Postby Son of a Beach » Sun 15 Aug, 2010 8:50 am

Here's the results of the competition now that we have over 2,000 members...

FIRST PRIZE (a SIGG bottle) goes to: abowen

SECOND PRIZE (a sheet of Tyvek suitable for a tent footprint) goes to: Liamy77

Congratulations to our two winners. Thanks to all those who entered.
Son of a Beach
Lagarostrobos franklinii
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Re: COMPETITION: Guess Date of 2,000th Member. TWO PRIZES!

Postby ILUVSWTAS » Sun 15 Aug, 2010 10:50 am

Congratulations to Andrew and Liam!
Nothing to see here.
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Lagarostrobos franklinii
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Re: COMPETITION: Guess Date of 2,000th Member. TWO PRIZES!

Postby tasadam » Sun 15 Aug, 2010 2:33 pm

I wanted to let everyone know that there is no foul play going on...
If you look now, you will see the forum has less than 2000 members, it is because we had a serial spammer join.
Even as admin, I have been unable to get to this list until now, so I had no way of knowing.

01.jpg (21.1 KiB) Viewed 60110 times

This member joined 5 times, made no posts, but added an advertising signature clearly against forum rules...


I mean, who here really wants to buy furniture from India?
So I deleted all 5 instances of the user and added them to the hall of shame...

03.jpg (22.62 KiB) Viewed 60110 times

It is illegal to send spam if you are in Australia, so if you are overseas and you feel like spamming the email addresses in that topic, well, maybe it was the Google bots that found them there, maybe that's why they get all the spam they deserve?

Anyhow, the comp is declared, just explaining what's gone on.
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Re: COMPETITION: Guess Date of 2,000th Member. TWO PRIZES!

Postby Liamy77 » Sun 15 Aug, 2010 5:55 pm

Thankyou everyone!

But geez Adam I was planning on carrying a nice antique wardrobe unit on my next trip up Ossa... woulda gone so well with the 4 poster bed in the tent....
knowledge's lighter than gadgets..but gadgets can be fun!
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Re: COMPETITION: Guess Date of 2,000th Member. TWO PRIZES!

Postby abowen » Mon 16 Aug, 2010 10:55 am

It was excellent to hear that I had won. I don't win things very often. The date I 'guessed' was my daughter's birthday. Must have been a good sign.
I am hoping that the bottle will get a lot of use on the track. It will definately ping me as a form member when I use it on the track somewhere.
I have another 1 litre SIGG which I dropped recently and fractured the base. Despite the fracture, the lining is still intact and the bottle usable. I will now have a nice pair to stick in my One Planet Stezlecki.
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