A new guide book is soon to be published for Tasmanian walks, and you are invited to submit a track notes article for a walk you have done in Tasmania to be included in the new book.
The competition rules are as follows:
- the article is not to exceed 500 words
- you must have completed the featured walk in the past 12 months
- must include two (2) photographs of the specific area
- must be submitted by the 1st of May 2010
A maximum of 20 articles submitted to this competition will be selected by the publisher to be included in the new book, possibly with other articles sourced from elsewhere. Each winning author who's article is published through this competition will receive 3 copies of the finished book (one to keep and two to give away). Winners will be announced and notified on the 4th of May.
All items that are published will be credited and acknowledged in the book, your first chance to be published. The publisher reserves the right to edit for length and style.
To enter this competition, email your article and photographs to: [email protected]