Tell the best story - How DID that boot get there?

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Tell the best story - How DID that boot get there?

Postby tasadam » Sun 31 Jan, 2010 7:55 am

To bring you up to speed, there is discussion in THIS TOPIC about the recent emptying of the toilet pods in the SW.
This post says
Binder wrote:G'day all

Well the stars finally aligned and the sputniks in the Western Arthurs and Mt Eliza have been emptied. The chopper on the day also had to do several airlifts of materials for trackwork at Mt Field, and some work on a fire below Wylds Craig before transporting the crews along the Range. Needless to say the pilot was glad to see the end of the day.

Without going into too much detail, I thought I might share some of the 'extras' found in the tanks. Several dozen of the alfoil dried meal packs (a cetrain brand name that contains the word 'kitchen' seemed popular), several football sized rocks, Chinese food style containers from Haven Lake, a large half full glass bottle of peanut butter, one boot :!: from Oberon, and endless bags of rubbish. All of the above (four garbage bags of rubbish out of six tanks) has to be fished out before the sputniks can be pumped. Next year I am pulling rank ! :D

We have attached signs to the tanks now indicating that they are not for rubbish, so feel free to encourage (by whatever means you think appropriate ) less enlightened folk up there to comply, would be a big help.

Thanks again for your patience.



Then the idea came forward in this post -
Michael_Kingston wrote:it never ceases to amaze me how lazy SOME people are - how hard can it be to carry out freeze dried food packs!!!! As for a boot in one of the tanks - i reckon we should have a competition to come up with the best story as to how it ended up there!!!!

So let's hear it then.

No voting, no prizes. Just a simple story telling time. Write a story, fact or fiction, long or short, amusing or otherwise, and post it here.
Multiple entries per person allowed, one entry per post.
Oh, and please keep it within forum rules. Or, at least, try... :D
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Re: Tell the best story - How DID that boot get there?

Postby Binder » Sun 31 Jan, 2010 8:21 am

Parks hat off.

Well I've heard of people eating their boot leather in extreme survival situations, but not whole...

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Re: Tell the best story - How DID that boot get there?

Postby ollster » Sun 31 Jan, 2010 8:22 am

"Well, I was told by my mates that some sections on the Western Arthurs would make me *&%$#! bricks. They were wrong." :mrgreen:
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Re: Tell the best story - How DID that boot get there?

Postby tasadam » Sun 31 Jan, 2010 9:22 am

From the other topic...

Binder wrote:One theory about the rocks has come up. Maybe people think that if they throw a large one into the fullish tank, it may squash some of the contents down to make more room. :shock:

No theory about the boot yet...

Come on Binder. You obviously aren't very good at putting 2 and 2 together..... :roll:
Someone couldn't find a rock to squish things so was using their boot but it wasn't done up and got stuck... Obvious! :wink: :)
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Re: Tell the best story - How DID that boot get there?

Postby Binder » Mon 01 Feb, 2010 10:31 am

Ha ! Tasadam, you could well be right.

Didn't find any gloves in there though... :wink:

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Re: Tell the best story - How DID that boot get there?

Postby Nick S » Mon 01 Feb, 2010 10:01 pm

maybe the culprit brought along some volleys or crocs to wear around camp and just couldn't bear going back to boots. the other boot was obviously taken by a bunyip.
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Re: Tell the best story - How DID that boot get there?

Postby ILUVSWTAS » Tue 02 Feb, 2010 6:15 am

Talk about putting your foot in it!

Crocs along beggary bumps would sure be fun :)
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Re: Tell the best story - How DID that boot get there?

Postby Michael_Kingston » Tue 02 Feb, 2010 6:53 am

i reckon it has to be revenge after a fight between a husband and wife (or boyfriend and girlfriend). "Honey, I have no idea where your boot is. Where did you last see it?"

The other possibility is that Parks have started up a program of relocating problem possums to the Western Arthurs.
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Re: Tell the best story - How DID that boot get there?

Postby ILUVSWTAS » Tue 02 Feb, 2010 2:29 pm

Oh great! So now besides the natives rats chewing through tents, we've got rogue possums to worry about.....
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Re: Tell the best story - How DID that boot get there?

Postby stepbystep » Tue 02 Feb, 2010 3:20 pm

Perhaps they got hungry, chewed off a leg and had no need for the boot???
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Re: Tell the best story - How DID that boot get there?

Postby ILUVSWTAS » Tue 02 Feb, 2010 3:21 pm

Ohhh nice one Dan! Van deimans land would have been out at about that time... Someone trying an Alexander Pierce??
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Re: Tell the best story - How DID that boot get there?

Postby stepbystep » Tue 02 Feb, 2010 3:27 pm

ILUVSWTAS wrote:Ohhh nice one Dan! Van deimans land would have been out at about that time... Someone trying an Alexander Pierce??

Maybe the next loo had the next BOOT!
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Re: Tell the best story - How DID that boot get there?

Postby iandsmith » Thu 04 Feb, 2010 2:53 am

Obviously a case of cannibalism. If it's good enough after a plane crash in South America. As to where the other one might be, well, you can only do so much at one time.
You do eat your own kind down there don't you.......hope it wasn't a visitor like myself.
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Re: Tell the best story - How DID that boot get there?

Postby Binder » Thu 04 Feb, 2010 8:37 am

New initiative by Parks to keep visitor numbers down...selective cannibalism.

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Re: Tell the best story - How DID that boot get there?

Postby whynotwalk » Thu 04 Feb, 2010 2:44 pm

that'll keep 'em hopping!
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Re: Tell the best story - How DID that boot get there?

Postby tasadam » Fri 05 Feb, 2010 9:32 am

whynotwalk wrote:that'll keep 'em hopping!

Quite literally, if you're up there with only one boot...
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Re: Tell the best story - How DID that boot get there?

Postby north-north-west » Thu 11 Feb, 2010 3:47 pm

Dwarf-tossing competition. The dwarf missed, but the boot came off in flight . . .
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Re: Tell the best story - How DID that boot get there?

Postby Funky_Bunch » Wed 31 Mar, 2010 4:39 pm

i had a dream a few nights ago that the loo's on tracks led to another dimension (yes im weird) and people could transport through them, maybe one poor person didnt make it in time before the transport finnished. was a very wierd dream.
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Re: Tell the best story - How DID that boot get there?

Postby tasadam » Mon 10 May, 2010 6:30 pm

You see, there was this dim-witted mud-loving walker one day who was heading down the Port Davey track, so looking forward to walking in all that mud. But the problem was he turned left instead of right and ended up the top of Moraine A. Finally made it to camp and was missing walking around in all that mud so SO much that he..............
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Re: Tell the best story - How DID that boot get there?

Postby Liamy77 » Sat 22 May, 2010 2:23 pm

what about an explosive case of wind... plus a candle - all that was left was one boot?!
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Re: Tell the best story - How DID that boot get there?

Postby eddie the eagle » Sun 01 Aug, 2010 1:39 pm

There was this group of about six out walking with one really annoying one in the group.

Ater a few days of putting up with rubbish, one snapped and said to them: "if you don't shut up, I'll stick my boot so far up your bum your nose will bleed."

The irritating one said: "go on, I dare you"


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Re: Tell the best story - How DID that boot get there?

Postby turtle » Wed 11 Aug, 2010 11:23 am

My answer is inspired by a rather large man we met on a trip to Penang.

He was from Tassie and he only had one leg and liked to frustrate the xray officials at the airport by not telling them he had a false leg with metal fittings when the machine went ping.

At the local beach market one day he wanted a thong. Singular - I think it was the left one. He only had one leg so what was the use of two? Therefore he should only pay half price. The poor stall vendor had no idea what to do. He was insisting the one legged man had to buy both the left and right thong. The one legged man equally determined that he only wanted one and was only paying for one.

So I think that the boot was in fact from the one legged man. He had a fairly divilish sense of humor and I think he walked in, dropped the boot down the toilet, so that the people who found it were totally confused as to how it got there. And see it worked!
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Re: Tell the best story - How DID that boot get there?

Postby tasadam » Thu 12 Aug, 2010 12:06 pm

Phew... For a moment there while reading this I thought I was going to have to force on myself the image of a large one legged man wearing a "thong"..... Was his name Borat?
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Re: Tell the best story - How DID that boot get there?

Postby Liamy77 » Thu 12 Aug, 2010 1:04 pm

[mental barrier crumbles....]
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Re: Tell the best story - How DID that boot get there?

Postby doogs » Sat 08 Jan, 2011 9:43 pm

I think he/she was just a little bunged up from a week of dehydrated food, and thought it was a good time to try and undo that annoying knot in their laces with their teeth.
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Re: Tell the best story - How DID that boot get there?

Postby danpickard » Fri 04 Mar, 2011 1:49 pm

Anyone seen "127 hours" yet? It was a bit like that, but involved my leg instead...

Or possibly the offender went to use the loo, thought it smelt soooo bad, prefered the smell of their own 6 day old boot inners, got a bit hazy with the combo of aroma's, blacked out and lost the boot in the process....maybe.

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Re: Tell the best story - How DID that boot get there?

Postby tasadam » Fri 04 Mar, 2011 7:13 pm

danpickard wrote:got a bit hazy with the combo of aroma's, blacked out and lost the boot in the process

:lol: :lol:
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Re: Tell the best story - How DID that boot get there?

Postby taswegian » Fri 25 Nov, 2011 8:12 pm

well after nearly 2 years I reckon this needs a bit of a Kick start again.
I also assume that by now no one has owned up to actually losing the boot in the loo?

Did Parks look for an owner or just take it back with them?
Its one thing to clean up the place but its another to flog his footware.
May have been there for safe keeping, out of reach of hungry devils.
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Re: Tell the best story - How DID that boot get there?

Postby Binder » Wed 30 Nov, 2011 12:42 pm

Ah yes...

I did the whole Cinderella thing and tried it on every eligible walker in the land, that happened to be missing a size 9 Blunny.
Maybe it got to midnight, and they turned into a pumpkin (or maybe one of the mice that inhabits the campsites up there) :wink:

We are about to do the Sputnik run again, so will keep you posted if the other one shows up.
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Re: Tell the best story - How DID that boot get there?

Postby ILUVSWTAS » Wed 30 Nov, 2011 12:45 pm

taswegian wrote:
Did Parks look for an owner or just take it back with them?

I'd like to think that PWS have better things to be doing with their time.... :wink:
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