Here is a little forum game called "Where am I". All you have to do is guess where I am standing to take the picture below - i.e. name the thing I'm standing on, not the thing I'm looking at. First to guess the right location gets to post the next picture of a location somewhere in Tasmania. It doesn't need to be a stitched panorama either. You can use any picture with enough visual clues to allow players to work out where the picture was taken. Players can ask questions and the picture owner can give clues. If you guess correctly but don't wish to post a picture, then just give your turn to someone else.
- Game Rules
The GAME RULES now have there own Wiki page.
Game Indexes
The 2009 Game Index for all images posting in 2009, is now available on the wiki.
The 2010 Game Index is still under development.
Hopefully this first one will be very easy.
Where am I ?