You will be guessing “Where is it” ... where is the subject in the photo. Of course, to do that you will need to work out what it is you are looking at. For added interest, but not required for a win, the poster can optional also ask you to guess “Where am I” ?
First to guess the right location gets to post the next picture of a location somewhere in an A natural landscape (eg in a National Park) somewhere out of Australia.. Please to post a picture with a good quality skyline or with heaps of visual clues to allow players to work out where the picture was taken. A fast game is a fun game.
Players can ask questions and the picture owner can give clues. If you guess correctly but don't wish to post a picture, then just give your turn to someone else.
- Game Rules
- Please take a moment to read the rules from the Aussie games - same idea GAME RULES
Since Wayno suggested this new comp (viewtopic.php?f=11&t=18947) he gets to kick it off with the first photo. Good luck to you all

Over to you Wayno.
Happy new Year.