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Swings and Roundabouts

PostPosted: Thu 26 May, 2022 5:03 pm
by north-north-west
West Coast Range:
The famous Farrell Chair is gone. :( :( :(
But there is now a cut track all the way to the real summit. Pity they didn't take it further and build a loop with the Herbert track.

Cradle Mtn:
The Horse Track is going to be plasticated to well below Crater Peak.
While the old cording is well past is use-by date and definitely due for replacement (and maybe this will stop the clueless bucketlisting Instagram wannabe numpties trampling the cushion plants in their determination to avoid even the smallest drop of water or speck of mud soiling their pristine little shoesies), but ... not a fan of that composite decking. TasPAWS should not be adding plastic microbeads to the pollutants and damage such delicate alpine environments already andure.

Re: Swings and Roundabouts

PostPosted: Thu 26 May, 2022 5:19 pm
by wander
north-north-west wrote: TasPAWS should not be adding plastic microbeads to the pollutants and damage such delicate alpine environments already andure.

I can't help think the plastic track will burn really well with a nasty black smoke and leave behind something nasty to sink into the mud.

Is there any real (as opposed to my random guessing) data one what happens to this tracking when it burns?

Re: Swings and Roundabouts

PostPosted: Thu 26 May, 2022 5:43 pm
by grunter ... e/11848938 Ancient rock art at Carnarvon Gorge destroyed after walkway explodes in bushfire in 2020