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Where to buy 'Store n Pour' / 'Soup n Sauce' style bags

PostPosted: Tue 21 Oct, 2014 10:16 am
by ethoen
I've recently moved towards freezer bag cooking and in the UK was using 'store n pour' bags like these -> ... Sauce-Bags.

They have several advantages over normal freezer bags; you can pour boiling water into them and they don't melt, they have a wide base so they stand up on their own, and the ziplock seal is very secure.

I've tried googling a load of different terms and looking in shops, but can't find anything similar here. Does anyone know if it exists?


Re: Where to buy 'Store n Pour' / 'Soup n Sauce' style bags

PostPosted: Tue 21 Oct, 2014 11:19 am
by Strider
Saw them in my local Coles yesterday. This thread will also be of interest.

Re: Where to buy 'Store n Pour' / 'Soup n Sauce' style bags

PostPosted: Tue 21 Oct, 2014 4:47 pm
by ethoen
I must have been looking with my eyes closed!