Help me to frappe'

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Help me to frappe'

Postby Lamont » Mon 31 Dec, 2018 1:19 pm

Got to thinking this morning about a good frappe recipe to have in the morning.
Just back from a couple of days 'no cook' again, and thought I could go without coffee of some sort early morn-nope can't do it.
In another life, in a long summer far away, I made them for a living and we just used strong 'Greek instant coffee' and cold milk and shook the hell out of them in a frappe container for 30 seconds-any less and I was in trouble from Harris the boss.
So I want to make it again, no heating involved, just shake hard in peanut butter jar or some such.
Tried a few simple recipes and came up with two heaped tea spoons of milk powder(14-16g), one of instant (Nescafe type thing) coffee(7-8g) to app 130 mls water, shook for a half minute and it was okay but not like I remember.
So as Melbourne is the third largest Greek city on earth I thought surely someone must know.
What I want to know from any Greeks or people that use Greek instant coffee on here, is there such a thing as 'Greek instant coffee' or is my memory fuddled? It was some time ago. Those frappes I made were just the best!
Even with non icy water they are perfect for early morns in Summer.
I'm not after the Turkish ('Greek coffee' is more or less the same thing) stuff you boil with sugar. It doesn't work for this.
Neither does Vietnamese/Balinese kopi/Timor coffee or Italian type beans-I have tried them all -just not the same.
I reckon there was something different in the Greek stuff I used.
Anyone know if this magic stuff exists? Thanks
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Re: Help me to frappe'

Postby Lamont » Thu 03 Jan, 2019 9:02 am

Oh well, no luck where are all the Greeks?
Don't know if anyone wants to frappe' that hasn't thought to try this already but here is my MYOC imitation-
Bought on special Nescafe 'Gold Dark 8 with added barista style ground coffee' mmmmm (Strength) out of 9 (-why not out of 10?) and no 9 to be found!
About 100 mls tap water (and tap water temp)
one heaped teaspoon number 8
and two heaped light powdered milk (would be better with full cream powder).
Shake in a PB jar 20-30 secs-perfectly acceptable morning coffee drink.
Rinse, store all the dry ingredients back in the jar. Total weight of plastic jar is 30 grams.
Now just need a smaller jar of about 150mls size.
How do I store this dry stuff-in the fridge? It may take me a hell of a while to use it all.
Frappe' away.
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Re: Help me to frappe'

Postby CasualNerd » Thu 03 Jan, 2019 10:34 am

You could always add carageenan, it enhances the taste of milk drinks, they use it in commercially available iced coffees.

I am still trying to buy some cream powder, would certainly boost that mouthfeel and creaminess. Coconut cream powder is readily available but it can be a bit grainy.
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Re: Help me to frappe'

Postby Lamont » Thu 03 Jan, 2019 12:19 pm

I just had to look up carageenan.
Just made another couple, same ratio, quite strong and bitey- the light milk powder I reckon is the right one-it's really pretty good.
Entire process take about 45 seconds. Just mix the powders in the correct ratio in a zip loc.
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