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TIP: The online Bushwalk Inventory System can help bushwalkers with a variety of bushwalk planning tasks, including: Manage which items they take bushwalking so that they do not forget anything they might need, plan meals for their walks, and automatically compile food/fuel shopping lists (lists of consumables) required to make and cook the meals for each walk. It is particularly useful for planning for groups who share food or other items, but is also useful for individual walkers.
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Second hand DCF products

Sat 23 Oct, 2021 10:37 am

I'm a big fan of buying second hand equipment and I have an idea of what to look out for in most categories but I have no idea when it comes to DCF and I'm sure I'm not the only one.

So I'd love some advice in what to look out for in regards to how to determine condition and how much lite should be expected. Good and bad signs etc.

I'd really like some advice on shelters but packs would also be great.

Thanks in advance.

Re: Second hand DCF products

Sat 23 Oct, 2021 4:57 pm

Pitch it taut in daylight, go inside, and look for pinpricks of light.

Fortunately, DCF can be patched easily and effectively with DCF repair tape.

Re: Second hand DCF products

Sat 23 Oct, 2021 6:47 pm

Thank you. Good to know on both counts.

Will the material break down to the point where it's no longer strong? Or will that take so long it's not really relevant?
I read something about the fibres seperating after being folded many times but I think that was in reference to stuff sacks.

Re: Second hand DCF products

Sat 23 Oct, 2021 8:51 pm

EGM wrote:I read something about the fibres seperating after being folded many times but I think that was in reference to stuff sacks.

You do also see that in tents. The fibres can bunch up in some places, which leaves fewer fibres in other places. If the membrane is still intact it will be waterproof. I would accept some localised bunching of fibres in a second-hand DCF tent provided the price was low enough.
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