I'm here very briefly for a one day stopover with Mrs and small grandaughter on a short cruise. Thanks for turning on some decent weather

. Would have liked to go up kunanyi for a walk but not a lot of time to do much. And I still have a recovering TKR, so just had a wander around town. I haven't visited since 2019, so not that long before Covid. Was very disappointed that my favourite second hand bookstore just off Sandy Bay Rd has closed and been replaced with some sort of designer home furnishings shop. A shame as they had a lot of bushwalking related titles and old maps etc. But I did discover Cracked and Spineless in Collins Street, which is worth a look if you're into such things. Picked up a couple of early Tasmanian Tramps for $10 each, and a 1:100,000 Huon topo map for $5. Hope to return for a proper visit once my knee fully recovers.