Last year, as I was leading a bushwalking camp for some young kids, and one of the other leaders was discussing the story of David and Goliath, I was off day-dreaming and not paying attention like I should have been.
I was considering how David was renowned for many reasons, including his song-writing. His most well-known song was the 23rd psalm which was clearly based on his early years as a shepherd. It got me thinking that if I had to write the 23rd psalm, what life experience could I base it on?
Bushwalking, of course! So this is what I came up with to start off...
The Lord is my guide,
I shall not get completely lost.
He leads me through beautiful wilderness,
and makes me stop and rest at the most amazing camp sites.
Even though I bash through a leech-infested valley of scrub,
I will fear no evil.
His map and His compass, give me confidence…