Spider ID

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Spider ID

Postby Eremophila » Wed 01 Feb, 2023 9:02 pm

Unfortunately he’s in a bad way after making his home in a laptop bag at work.

He did have a nice pattern on his abdomen which hopefully will show in the photo. Kind of a chevron.
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Re: Spider ID

Postby matagi » Wed 01 Feb, 2023 9:09 pm

I'd go with black house spider.
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Re: Spider ID

Postby Eremophila » Wed 01 Feb, 2023 10:17 pm

A little bigger. And possibly hairier.
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Phyllocladus aspleniifolius
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Re: Spider ID

Postby johnw » Thu 02 Feb, 2023 12:23 pm

I have a field guide app on my phone that isn't too bad, developed by the Australian Museum and Museum Victoria. Their image of a black house spider looks like your photo and shows a chevron like pattern on the abdomen, with several arrow shapes pointing forward. Curiously there is also a mottled brown version of the black house spider.
John W

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Re: Spider ID

Postby Eremophila » Thu 02 Feb, 2023 10:20 pm

I’ve looked at their website in the past I reckon. Perhaps it is a house spider after all, I guess I usually see them semi hunched up in a web in a corner or crevice- this was at full stretch (and very close to my hand). Definitely not as black although it does appear that way in the photo.

Cheers all.
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