Khukri owners?

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Khukri owners?

Postby Moondog55 » Sat 03 Sep, 2022 11:36 am

I'm about to order a new blade; using some of the money I'm getting from selling off my ski gear.
What's your preferred blade length?
I've found that my 10" blade really is far too short but I can't decide between 12", 13" or 15"
I'm also tossing up on blade shape and I'm thinking between the traditional Sirupate or the modern military style
Any khukri owners care to respond?
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Re: Khukri owners?

Postby ChrisJHC » Sat 03 Sep, 2022 3:20 pm

Have you considered a Parang instead? ... =1541&rID=

12” looks popular.
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Re: Khukri owners?

Postby Moondog55 » Sat 03 Sep, 2022 4:18 pm

I've always felt comfortable with the khukri and never considered anything else as a chopper.
I've never used or handled a parang tho.
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Re: Khukri owners?

Postby icefest » Sat 03 Sep, 2022 7:12 pm

What will you be using it for?

I've switched to using a billhook for most of my scrub and twig-work - stays sharp longer and can easily use it near the ground!
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Re: Khukri owners?

Postby Moondog55 » Sat 03 Sep, 2022 9:23 pm

Simply because I can really.
I already own a bill hook
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Re: Khukri owners?

Postby stry » Sat 03 Sep, 2022 9:29 pm

10" is definitely too short.

To my inexperienced (in Kukris) mind, 15" is getting pretty long and clunky.

That leaves 12" and 13". Being a sucker for the proverbial "little bit more" I'd lean toward the 13", but I would also try to handle both (and maybe the 15"?) before making a decision.

Given that you are a tad larger than me 13" may be the pick.
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Re: Khukri owners?

Postby Moondog55 » Sun 04 Sep, 2022 10:27 am

I've been leaning towards 13"
I'll probably give the 10" to the middle daughter to use as a gardening tool OR I might just sell it as it's easilly worth $100-
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Re: Khukri owners?

Postby GregG » Sun 04 Sep, 2022 11:30 am

I have had this parang since 2010 when I bought it in a village in Sabah for $10, it is made from a car suspension spring which is a readily available local resource given the state of the tracks that pass for roads, the handle is made from tree wood and horn, it was manufactured under fairly primitive conditions which is fairly obvious from the rough surface of the blade. It has an 11" blade and is 17" LOA. I find it very handy for chopping green timber up to about 6"/8" diameter. I have longer machetes and cane knives but I find this 11" blade much easier to use and it is my go-to tool for work around the yard.
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Re: Khukri owners?

Postby Moondog55 » Sun 11 Sep, 2022 9:06 am

I decided on the 13" blade length and placed the order last night.
It probably won't arrive for a month or so but when it does I'll post some photos.
Ordered as a kangaroo pair along with a 5" bladed general purpose knife
The combination of blades will weigh over a kilo so I think I will need a dedicated belt to carry it, probably with a water bottle on the off-side hip to balance the weight
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Re: Khukri owners?

Postby Moondog55 » Mon 24 Oct, 2022 3:17 pm

Not as yet shipped but I got the photos last nite
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Re: Khukri owners?

Postby stry » Mon 24 Oct, 2022 3:53 pm

Nice. Simple and traditional construction. I like the short semi drop point knife - I could go one of those :D .
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Re: Khukri owners?

Postby Moondog55 » Mon 24 Oct, 2022 4:33 pm

The blade shape is much more like a Sirupate, I hope it's well balanced but using it will be the only way to tell. I had a bit of a hard time convincing them that I really did want the small knife [ churi] as thin as 3.5 to 4mm and no more. If I find this more suitable I'll pass on the 10 inch, sell or give to my daughter.
The 5" knife is very much like the "Woodcraft" knife you used to be able to buy from Ray Mears until it became a "Woodlore" knife at almost a thousand dollars each.

I already have several thoughts for a slightly different take on the sheath to incorporate a fire kit and a small diamond sharpening stone
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Re: Khukri owners?

Postby Moondog55 » Mon 24 Oct, 2022 4:55 pm

Here is the link Stry

Add another ~$30- for DHL shipping tho and remember they are priced in USD. I'm glad I got in while our dollar was much higher
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Re: Khukri owners?

Postby stry » Mon 24 Oct, 2022 6:56 pm

Thanks MD. :)
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Re: Khukri owners?

Postby Moondog55 » Sun 30 Oct, 2022 1:35 pm

DHL just knocked on my door with the delivery.
The big blade is quite good and after I finish off the handle to suit my thumb and fingers shape I think it will do the job I want
The difference between two blades is apparent in the photos. However the bushcraft blade is not what I ordered and I've just sent the maker an email asking what we can about the mistake. That Churi blade is almost 6.5mm thick when what I ordered was supposed to be 3.5mm and not more than 4mm.
I am happy with the khukri itself and I'm hoping that I won't have too much trouble sending the small blade back, I won't be happy if I have to pay postage both ways tho.
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Re: Khukri owners?

Postby stry » Sun 30 Oct, 2022 8:56 pm

Newy looks to be a bit less hooked than your old one. Is it semi polished, or unpolished ? Looking at their web site pics, I struggle to see the differences.

The price of that little knife v. postage costs and the mucking around to return it may make an exchange impracticable. :( May be easier to simply negotiate for a suitably discounted replacement ?
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Re: Khukri owners?

Postby Moondog55 » Sun 30 Oct, 2022 10:07 pm

Less hooked and a thinner blade. Yes the shipping cost is too high but I'll see what can be done about a discount there on a blade the correct thickness.
A satisfaction guarantee doesn't mean much if they won't cover shipping costs
Shape of the small knife is good but too heavy for a general purpose working blade.
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10mm grid, way too thick
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Re: Khukri owners?

Postby stry » Tue 01 Nov, 2022 3:13 pm

The new one is thinner than the old ??? The newy is spec'd at 9mm, so if the old one is thicker than that, it must be more like a little axe than a Khukri. :D The new one also appears to have a longer handle - are they both from the same maker ?

FWIW, I think that the shape of the new blade would be more versatile than the shpe of the old. Enough of a curve/hook to be usefull without making it into a heavy weight sickle.

I'm aware of the hyped up military past, typified by stories told to me by my father post WW2, but these things are primarily an agricultural tool, so versatility and manageable weight and length would be more important than felling unrealistically large trees and the potential for killing people (usually :D ).
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Re: Khukri owners?

Postby Moondog55 » Tue 01 Nov, 2022 4:03 pm

6" grip rather than 5" on the new one and both from the same makers business
Yes I was well aware of the weight issue so I had it made thinner than the standard.
The first khukri is indeed 9mm; my new one is only 7 to 8mm.
The Sirupate style is indeed more slender and with less belly and less of a bend/hook in the blade shape
I'm laid up with a non-Covid chest infection at the moment but I hope to get out and test it soon, someplace where hacking brush is permitted
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Re: Khukri owners?

Postby Moondog55 » Mon 26 Dec, 2022 8:04 am

That chest infection was bad, and while the PCR tests came back negative it may have been a mild Covid on top of the walking pneumonia because I am taking a long time to get back to normal.
The replacement Churi has finally arrived with the new blade; the 3.5mm thickness that was originally ordered; and the thinner and much lighter knife is better but even tho I ordered it razor sharp it doesn't yet have the keenness of edge I like so I'll be doing a good bit of work on the stones soon.
I've said this before but it needs repeating, this business is excellent with large blades but they really do have a problem with fine smaller knives
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Re: Khukri owners?

Postby stry » Tue 27 Dec, 2022 11:44 am

Sounds good. I wouldn't be too fussed it not being as sharp as you like. Those knives look to be good value and getting a really good edge takes time.Time is money for a manufacturer.

For you it will be a relatively minor but satisfying task to get it the way you like. :)

PS: Our (three of us) order of 11 inchers is on the way. Not looking to clear trackless jungle with ours - we already have plenty of tools, both powered and manual, for such tasks. :D Hence 11"
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Re: Khukri owners?

Postby Moondog55 » Tue 27 Dec, 2022 3:48 pm

But BIGGER is better
Much bigger is much betterer
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Re: Khukri owners?

Postby stry » Wed 28 Dec, 2022 12:54 pm

Moondog55 wrote:But BIGGER is better
Much bigger is much betterer

Well yes, and no. Certainly correct with cubic inches, and with many edged tools, but in this case as I am small, I opted for smallerer (but not smallest). Better match for my physique. :D
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