Plod wrote:There was a certain irony in one catching a wallaby while going for a pee and seemingly not having put any effort into trapping one, while the other put in a lot of effort and had one escape by the barest of margins.
There was, but them's the brakes. Given enough time, Mike would have refined his trap (eg. lower it a bit so it landed more quickly, may have need to be weighted more too) enough to reliably capture wallabies or possums. Gina had a random opportunity and made it stick when it counted. And contrary to the conspiracy theorists' collective opinion, rugby-tackling a pademelon is within the realm of possibility. They're easily dazzled by headtorches and can to dumb things when startled. It's a one in whatever stroke of luck though, hardly a practical hunting/food getting methodology, but definitely not impossible.
I will admit that while there was obviously no decent footage of what went down (just the timelapse cameras they were running overnight - she's not going to film herself going for a quiet midnight wee, obviously) the show could have better explained how it all went down to limit the confusion. They clearly leaned hard into post-production voice overs to fill in the gaps, compared to say the first season where the commentary was delivered straight to camera in real time.
Biggles wrote:Interesting too, how Gina said she can do without the company of people, because loss can happen, and she doesn't want to go through the experience of heartache again.
Compartmentalisation and externalisation of emotion is a pretty typical response to highly traumatic events. Gina's ability to articulate it so clearly and beautifully, though, is just incredible. Amanda Keller struggling to hold back tears was about the only non-contrived/TV-esque aspect of her hosting the Reunion.