Budawangs North Pigeon House, Jindelara Creek, Wombat Ridge

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Budawangs North Pigeon House, Jindelara Creek, Wombat Ridge

Postby sandym » Sun 23 May, 2021 7:02 am

Sort of Budawang conditions report if you are interested:
The trail up Longfella Pass is in good shape. Motorbikes have been riding it!
Pigeon House North Trail in good shape to the junction with Wombat Ridge track.
The Pigeon House summit track is marked by a bit of pink flagging and an old post. The summit track is overgrown but can be followed without too much difficulty to the ridge. We circled counter clockwise to get to the ladders. Lots of people walking up the normal route and there is a big new lookout platform on top.
Wombat Ridge trail - we got only as far as the little dam on the ridge - has about a kilometre of pretty bad bushwacking. Dense regrowth and you get wrapped in vines trying to walk through and the vines are strong like wire. Between the pretty bad section, the rest is reasonably good for such an old fire-trail.
We descended part of Jindelara Creek which was good until it was not. Where the creek narrows up the flood debris is piled 3 metres high on the banks and you would have to be either in the creek - some deep pools - or way up above the creek. We opted to bushwack back out to Wombat Ridge fire track and that bushwacking was pretty bad - incredibly thick regrowth and laced with tenacious vines.
Phyllocladus aspleniifolius
Phyllocladus aspleniifolius
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Re: Budawangs North Pigeon House, Jindelara Creek, Wombat R

Postby Hughmac » Fri 04 Jun, 2021 7:03 pm

Sadly an all too familiar story on the firegrounds that have have elevated moisture levels. I suspect the true weeds among the regrowth will disappear before too long, but even the native regrowth on some of the lesser used tracks will soon see some of them lost to memory.
Athrotaxis cupressoides
Athrotaxis cupressoides
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Re: Budawangs North Pigeon House, Jindelara Creek, Wombat R

Postby sandym » Thu 10 Jun, 2021 11:39 am

This was thick native regrowth. The weeds have been strangled out, which is good, and bad, as it is still thick regrowth. I live on the South Coast and we are seeing this more and more. I am heartened in some respects as the weeds were everywhere, but thick bush is still thick bush when you are trying to walk through it. Better it be native.
Phyllocladus aspleniifolius
Phyllocladus aspleniifolius
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