Pelion Falls

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Pelion Falls

Postby nickthetasmaniac » Tue 30 Apr, 2013 11:09 pm

A few shots from one of the OT's less visited features. Pelion Falls were in fine form now that there's finally some water around the mountains!

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Re: Pelion Falls

Postby walkinTas » Wed 01 May, 2013 6:37 am

Hey Nick, thanks for that. Great shot. I will add a link in the list of waterfalls.
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Re: Pelion Falls

Postby Nuts » Wed 01 May, 2013 8:48 am

For a while we would take groups up there, discouraged to do so when the campsite closed which was probably a good idea as it's hard to get out of the catchment and many people stop below for lunch. Nice enough spot, pics bring back memories, it's been many years since iv'e been in there.
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Re: Pelion Falls

Postby nickthetasmaniac » Wed 01 May, 2013 11:13 am

Nuts wrote:...discouraged to do so when the campsite closed which was probably a good idea as it's hard to get out of the catchment and many people stop below for lunch.

Unfortunately the old campsites still seem to be used as a toilet, with a lot of toilet paper and unburied waste scattered around. I'd be very cautious collecting water from below the bridge...
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Re: Pelion Falls

Postby tibboh » Wed 01 May, 2013 6:46 pm

Knocked back a good litre of water from the creek near the bridge in day.....dehydrated after climbing problems luckily. Could be a different story now the area is more waterlogged and more likely to mobilise waste matter. If a swiftly flowing creek like this isn't safe what is? :(
Love the first shot of the falls. Thanks for sharing.
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Re: Pelion Falls

Postby Davo1 » Wed 01 May, 2013 7:58 pm

nickthetasmaniac wrote: a lot of toilet paper and unburied waste scattered around. ...

Unfortunately this seems to be a much more frequent occurence everywhere of late. Some of the places I have seen this is just beyond belief.
It's sad, but the longer I am on this earth the more disenchanted with the human race I become.

On a better note thanks for the pics, really enjoyed the first one.
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Re: Pelion Falls

Postby Nuts » Wed 01 May, 2013 8:23 pm

hmmm, detracts from some nice pics. Our groups stop there right through summer and gulp away. Thanks for the heads up Nick, it was always a mess in there (i recall a certain trackie needing to scrape diarrhea into a bag) but I hadn't thought that anyone would be thoughtless enough to now just go and crap there. Still camping perhaps? Some of the old sites do get used, passed on by word of mouth or other sources.. I'll be sure to consider this next summer, just the thought of it is enough. Might pay to let the track rangers know next time, perhaps a big sign, shame though isn't it.
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Re: Pelion Falls

Postby nickthetasmaniac » Wed 01 May, 2013 8:35 pm

Nuts wrote:Thanks for the heads up Nick, it was always a mess in there ...but I hadn't thought that anyone would be thoughtless enough to now just go and crap there. Still camping perhaps? Some of the old sites do get used, passed on by word of mouth or other sources..

Most of the waste/toilet paper was on the worn pad that runs from the back corner of the timber platform up to the old campsites, rather than the campsites themselves (although there was some there too), so I think it's walkers generally rather than people camping. Not that it makes much difference, it's still directly upstream from where you collect water...

...i recall a certain trackie needing to scrape diarrhea into a bag...

Yeah we had to literally shovel s h i t from behind the far tent platform at Oberon down to the sputnik on our WA trip a few weeks ago - idiots will be idiots...
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Re: Pelion Falls

Postby Nuts » Wed 01 May, 2013 8:45 pm

oh, wa's is even worse, no excuse, sometimes i think there should be a backcountry/US style permit/info session or rpl..
sorry, didn't mean to take it off topic like this.. err, nice flow over the falls and a bit of sun to boot, would have been lovely : )
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